Site Hits - Well done one and all

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Posting made easy

Ok, so I've made it so you can post as a nonny mouse now. If that doesn't get the comments rolling in I'll have to assume nobody misses me.

Meanwhile here are pictures of my ongoing sunburn debacle. The skin has all peeled off now but it's left a very painful (simper) irritation behind. In scouse parlance, "I've been the quack and got some slap". We'll see if it clears up. I know you're rooting for me and I can feel the support coming through the wires.


  1. It does look nasty, but it's hard to sympthise with a grown man who hasn't the sense to wear sun screen :-P
    Cover it with savlon and wrap it in clingfilm! That's what they do on the telly.

    A x

  2. Hey white boy - think you've caught something serious there. Is is herpes????
