Site Hits - Well done one and all

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bangkok buzz

There's something zen-like about the people here. We went for a walk during our first week here, just mooching about the way you do. Anyway we were walking down a long side street with mopeds passing us in both directions, when I was struck... not by a moped, but by just how quiet it was. My previous experience in hot countries has been noisy and frenetic, with small bikes with open exhausts having their necks wrung by annoying teenagers in a hurry to go nowhere. Here they ride very gently, never revving high, calm as you like. The result is a very peaceful city.

Even in heavy traffic, which they obviously have, there's very little honking of horns, virtually no open exhausts, and few (if any) trucks. Come to think of it, I haven't seen a large articulated lorry in Bangkok at all. I wonder how they get stuff around.

Perhaps the quietness of the roads is related to the Thai reluctance to shout. I walked into the office the other day and stupidly bellowed hello to all in the room. I was met with bemused silence, followed by embarrassed laughs. They really don't understand why anyone would raise their voice.

Odd, but nice.


  1. I can't believe I've lived here for 6 months and haven't noticed the total absence of lorries on the road. How do they get the groceries to the big stores? It can't all arrive on the back of a bike?! This is going to keep me awake tonight :P


  2. Canal barges? Helicopters? Mystical Invisible 40 tonne Tuc Tuc's? Only Thai will tell.

  3. No lorries? How do they get stuff around? Its Thailand... the lorries have big ears, a liking for nuts and bananas - and a phobia of mice methinks.
