Site Hits - Well done one and all

Thursday, March 30, 2023

House Factory Visit

We went to visit McVeigh Offsite who are making our SIPs panels. Met Jim, Mark and Michael, had a lovely chat. Some evidence:

It's all coming along nicely. Due to the steel shenanigans, the delivery of these panels is now 15 May, a bit later than we expected. Still on target though, for moving in this autumn.

More soon

Sunday, March 19, 2023

owl Owl OWL

This gave us goosebumps. There were owls on site when we bought it, but they quickly got bored with us and left. We installed owl boxes and hoped for the best. Over a year later...

We're so happy 😊 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

We're out of the ground

While we're having a break in France, things have moved on nicely despite bad weather. So exciting to see the house's outline. 

Still hating that the old temporary steel is still in place, but hopefully not for long.

More soon

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Nuff said..

Notice the still-in-place temporary steel. It has to come out, and that's no longer easy with these big holes in the ground.

Anyone want several pieces of very good steel, cut into 4 ft chunks?

In other news, a new camera has been built, almost. Be ready for a "For the Geeks" update...

Monday, March 6, 2023


Work continues to complete the steel reinforcement of the front wall. It's proving a challenge to properly fix the steel (straight) to the wall (not straight). When they finally sort it out, the old temporary steel will be removed and we'll have our front door back.

Until the steel is  done we can't dig the footings, as it's in the way.. 

So we took a selfie.

Lyn has a lot of scraping out to do, as all the chapel walls need re-pointing. Mechanical aid was required, so the budget stretched this far...

More news soon