Site Hits - Well done one and all

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Giant Schoolkids Part 1

As promised, a piece about the amazing phenomenon which is "Giant Schoolkid Syndrome". I won't explain because it's bleeding obvious. No sod that, I will explain, because it's my bloody blog, it's my sodding syndrome and I took the pigging photos ALRIGHT? (**Note from editor: good alliteration Russell, but CALM DOWN.)

These lads are no more that 14. They always appear in white shirts and short trousers, white ankle socks, and surly expressions. That alone proves they're 14. They completely dwarf the rest of the Thai population, outmassing them by oh, I'd guess 20 percent. They're everywhere and I hate them. I envy them thier youth and their size, but NOT their dress sense.

Some examples: (More to follow)

No normal humans here to give context, but believe me this guy is immense.

This particular specimen is head and shoulders above his peers, meaning I had to "Peer" around him (guffaw) to have my usual view of the rest of the train...

This one can't even be captured on one image he's so large. Good example of the lower-leg-fashion-disaster though.

I honestly believe that in 20 or 30 years there will be no small Thai people any more, and I for one will miss them. Anyway, I'll keep snapping these guys and we can maybe start a campaign to get western food OUT of Thailand....


  1. My God....too many gigantic cheesy pizzas, washed down with full-lard coke I think...Maybe they're 'actors' going to work for gigantic cheesy pizza and full-lard coke companies....

    You too could be big like me....just eat McDonanlds and Pizza....(maybe you should try this diet Russell?)

  2. Dad, I can't say I approve of this new habit of photographing teenage boys while they go about their daily business. You're straddling the line between 'eccentric' and 'arrestable' ;-)

  3. Yes yes, but what IS their daily business? Hmm? Hmm? Where are they going? Why the naff uniform? These questions and more will probably remain unanswered, as my indifference....what was I saying?

  4. How did you take these pictures? Some Double 0 antics methinks.

  5. Russell, your blog came up first page with google, you've hit it big time, unlike your size. I know you have a thing about size in all, you've said. Anyway I'm only a bit taller than you but I have mum constantly nagging me about being fat, I waid myself at the weekend and I'm 126.4kg.

  6. To Alan: Aha, you got around the firewall! They are genuine shots, taken with my phone. I've been noticing these guys since I got here - well couldn't help but notice really. It's like the city is infested with white-socked Godzillas.
    Lyn, and her son Colin (see later comment) will say it's because I have a "thing" about being short, and they are probably right.

  7. To Colin: Thanks for coming on the blog. Some of these kids are bigger than you, and remember this is a country of people usually much smaller than ME.
    Maybe that's why I like the place eh?
    You won't always be fat, don't worry. 126 is a bit big though....
