Site Hits - Well done one and all


Thursday, November 13, 2008


I'll be on a rig for the next four days so there will be a gap in transmissions. When I come back I'll decide which way to go on the crossword front. They are time-consuming to put together, not relevant to BKK and alienate those who don't like them. However, they are fun....

I've heard it's stormy out in the Gulf at present, and been warned that I'll need my sea-legs, whatever they are.

More on Tuesday, including "how I survived without the internet for a whole long weekend". I do have Mr Rushdie's "Midnight's Children" with me, a thumping good read I might add. I've also, to give some light and shade, packed my Battlestar Galactica DVD's. Don't groan.

Be good.


  1. Ack! I got most of the way through that and then someone nicked it. Bah! It is a goodun.

    A x

  2. I'll pass it on when I get back. I have internet access from time to time here on the rig so occasional visits will be made to check everyone's behaving.

  3. Hi Lyn

    Guess what? I'm meeting a farmer from co. Limerick tomorrow for coffee but I dont think we can be and item cos he sent me a text the other morning saying he had been to a pub the previous evening watching a band called Bell X1 and what kind of name was that for a boyband? So I said I think its a very good name and the Bell X1 is a helicopterc which is very cool and I havent heard a word from him since. Doomed ... me thinks ...

    Ah well the trial and tribulations of dating boggers ...

    Ows tings? (as they say in Cork!) Hey Russell is the rig cool? Man its gotta be exciting ...can you send us a pic. Did you get there by chopper or boat ... (*sigh* I know its a chopper thing ... LOL)


  4. Odette, Bell X1 did Rocky Took a Lover - check it out. That guy must know his music.

  5. I checked it out on You Tube ... Love their stuff. Have a great day ...

    Are you having fun out there and how is the weather?

  6. I'm having as much fun as can be had in the middle of the Gulf of Thailand with nothing but hairy-arsed blokes for company. And no beer.
    Weather is very fine, the sea is like a millpond. Temperature about 30 degrees. I can't take any pictures, much as I'd like to, they don't allow it here. I'll do an artists impression when I get back.
    Have you seen the farmer yet, and how went it?

  7. Russell, your implication of hairy-arsed blokes and no beer ... is hilarious. Sounds like a batchelors health spa.

    On a serious note. Please can you help me buy T a laptop for Christmas. I think he may need one at Uni and it needs Wi-Fi. Other than taking him with me I dont know what things are necessary and what is a nice-to-have. When would be the best time to get it - now before Xmas or wait for the January Sales? I can manage around the 1K mark give or take a bit. Now if only David were here. I really do miss him.

    Im meeting the farmer for lunch today. I got called to the new store in Cashel to do some emergency layout of the DVD/CD section - waste of time it could have waited for Monday. Will keep you posted.

    Ciao ...

  8. When people ask me about laptops I always say the same thing - stay out of shops, away from salesmen, and go to Dell online. I just bought a nice laptop, high spec, for Colin and it cost me just over 400 pounds, about 600 euro.
    Go to, select "home laptops" and look at the "Inspiron" range. You can buy a standard one or put some whistles and bells on, up to your budget. Wireless and bluetooth are fairly standard these days.
    Delivery takes about a week, no hassle, no salesmen and good warranty cover.

  9. yes - goto Dell. Much cheapness. 400 quid for a decent machine. If you are looking for any extra's to add on - go for as much memory (RAM) as you can.

  10. Thanks for the advice guys !!! much appreciated ... I was worried about all the BS from salesmen so sounds like a good idea. I mentioned this to a friend of mine and her daughter also needs a laptop so Dell will get a good bit of business from us folks ... LOL

    Have a great day.

  11. Hi, please give me your comments on the Dell Vostro 1710 under the small business section. Retail 609.00 I need something robust that doesnt have to be replaced soon.



  12. *** Stop Press ***
    Russell was 'bumped' from his spot on the helicopter by 'those who must be pampered'.

    He got the slow boat back last night and is safe and sound somewhere in the south of Thailand.

    Normal transmission will resume shortly...


  13. Yes, and thanks Peter for putting that so delicately, ie without mentioning whining, over-fed, over-indulged, American prima-donnas.
    Yes readers, it's official - there are people who are more important than yours truly.
    I got back to dry land without too much heartache, and I'll do a long blog as soon as I have a good nights sleep in my own bed.

    Odette, the Vostro is a good budget machine, in fact that's what I bought for Colin. As Sandy said it's worth shoving extra RAM in, in case T wants to play games etc. Also I'd go for the one with Intel Core 2 Duo Processor as I've had trouble with Celerons running slowly in the past.
    One warning - 17 inches is a lot of machine to lug around. I've never liked the really big laptops and found 15 is easily big enough. Depends how big his rucksack is. Go to a shop and pick one up to get an idea of its size. Don't talk to any salesmen though.

  14. a 15 inch laptop (easier to carry around)- and if required buy a seperate large flatscreen monitor to play games and watch movies on when the lad is at home ....

  15. So Russell ..... did you cry like a girl...refuse to board the helipcopter, and then had to be shipped back to shore? huh?

  16. Sandy, the answer to this question and many more will be in my up-coming blog item, "Ceating Death in the Gulf". Be afraid. Be mildly apprehensive. Be good.
