Site Hits - Well done one and all

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Stuck in Blighty

Seems I'm going to be here a while so better talk about something.

As we go to press, both airports at Bangkok are blocked with yellow shirted hoolay henlies, calling themselves "The Peoples's Alliance for Democracy" and hell-bent on bringing down said democracy. Comical really. They presumably voted in the last elections, but they don't like the resulting government because it lines the wrong pockets. All this is fine by me, if a little immature, but right now it's stopping me getting back to work, and that's not on. Nuke 'em, I say.

Perhaps the red-shirted pro-government mob will turn up and we'll have a giant bun-fight for the future of the country.

In other news, I've had a good time this week re-connecting with my homies. I've shipped more beer/wine/spirits this week than I did in the previous three months and consequently I feel like something the cat dragged in. Must get an exercise regime going. I miss my gym and pool, and mid-twenties temperatures.

In other news, I sold my UK drums. Sad but necessary, and I'll bring my good ones home when I finish in Thailand.

In other news, it's actually harder to work in the same time-zone as your friends. Emails, facebook messages, texts all get answered virtually straight away instead of waiting for the message-ee to wake up. Consequently I seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time having cyber-conversations and very little time actually working. Pete, if you're reading, that's a joke. Mostly.

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