Site Hits - Well done one and all

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Crossword2 - 4

One more to add - sorry Odette, lyn got the one you've been close to.

Denise 1 answer
Lyn 10 answers
Odette 16 answers

6. Dismal.(4)
16. For geeks: .(4)
18. --- Wallach, Ugly from "The Good, the bad and the Ugly".(3)
19. Andrew Lloyd's partner.(3)
20. We say "Less" when we should say "-----",(5)
23. Me? no.(3)
31. Employ.(3)
32. Possibly one time too many.(3,5)
35. Like this clue.(6)
37. Agreement from an individual.(6)
39. Cruel.(8)
42. For geeks: invert the following logic.(3)
43. Large, flightless bird. Not you, lynny.(3)
44. Required for endurance sports, and for compiling crosswords.(7)
47. Ancient hill. Lots of these in New Mills.(3)
48. Three of these made a terrible racket then went back to opera.(3)
49. Language of Iran.(5)
52. Become 30 across.(3)
54. Female dancer.(4)
58. Blues legend, aka McKinley Morganfield.(5,6)
63. Can be flat, toe-clip or SPuD.(6)
64. In a short while.(4)

3. Grounds.(8)
4. Irish indy rock band.(3)
7. Eye discharge.(5)
8. The seat of consciousness.(4)
11. Not from heaven.(7)
14. Zombies do this repeatedly.(6,2,3)
15. Variety of Tree.(3)
17. They can be wild, chosen or bit-of-a.(4)
22. "A dark and hungry God ------", Stephen Donaldson novel.(6)
23. Young people.(6)
28. Slang word for power or influence.(5)
29. Can be King, dirty or shithouse.(3)
33. Pole.(5)
34. Make sterile.(6)
40. Female pronoun.(3)
44. Ah, the sound of these on a frosty winters morning. I miss it.(7)
45. Borrow, colloquial.(4)
46. Ate.(5)
49. Thermal containers.(6)
50. To compost.(3)
53. Flammable moss.(4)
55. Norse god.(4)
59. Can be lucky, sheep or salsa.(3)
60. Stash of money, colloquial.(3)


  1. Hi Russell, How are you holding up. This was a tuffee.

    Hi Lyn, how are you doing? Im fine and its raining again. Blast!!! Went shopping, got a new red nightie and red soft dressing gown to match my reindeer slipper sox ... now all I am waiting for is father Christmas ... LOL!!!

    The girls are fine, I have too much work and not enough time. Think I need a run. Take care of yourself.

    Hugz to you both


  2. odette said 43 across emu, and stop being pedantic it was a typo!!!

  3. Hello... Sandy is stuck in a hotel in London...looking at crossword puzzles when he should be in the bar abusing his 'expenses'....

    Anyway...knock out a couple of easy ones...

    15 down yew
    20 across fewer
    55 down odin

  4. 60 down....pot
    44 across stamina
    49 across farsi
    50 down rot
    53 down peat

    No not in the bar yet...damn you Odette!!and my competative streak...

  5. 48 across tenor
    18 across Eli
    14 down refuse to die I winning yet huh? huh??

  6. 23 across you
    64 across soon
    31 across use
    33 down totem
    42 across nul(?) (hangs geek head in shame...)
    19 across tim

    ...throws down gauntlet and repairs to the bar.....

  7. Dear Alex ...

    Your application for membership to Overachievers Anonymous has been approved please consult our help line for meetings in your area. Please feel free to make use of our service abroad as well. Members can generally be found in Hotel bars on a Sunday evening.

    Yours sincerely,

    President for Life
    Overachievers Anonymous

    ... LOL ... have fun Alex, once again I bow to your superior ability ... Tee hee
