Site Hits - Well done one and all

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Crossword - 5

Latest scores:

Alexandra 11 answers
Alexander 18 answers
Odette 19 answers
Lyn 8 answers

Odette, click on the crossword and it will be big enough to read, you Afrikaan meat-head.

Sandy, result of the stewards' enquiry: rtfm, the sea monster is 17 down, not 19 down. And anyway wifey just got the answer.

And here's how it looks:

Remaining clues:
13. Make amends.(5)
15. "Sat in your ---" - Kate Bush.(3)
18. 54 Across is one of these, right now, and has been several times before.(5)
30. A time of extreme chocolate-eating, for 54 Across.(6)
32. Arnie was doing this when he said "I'll be back". I think.(7)
40. A type of automated lathe. Abbreviation.(3)
41. Quote from 54 Across's wife, often late on fridays.(3,3)
42. Bad times for schoolkids.(5)
45. Term descibing sub-standard goods for sale.(3)
48. Large vessel.(3)
58. A jacket needs this, especially in Derbyshire.(16)

11. Woodworking tool.(4)
12. The All-Blacks make this before every game.(4,3,5,2,2)
23. A park in 54 Across's home town.(6)
31. Shocked.(6)
41. Judge's blunt implement.(5)
43. --- Force, a beer sold in New Mills.(3)
46. Can be true, writer, or strong silent.(4)
56. About July 23 to August 22. I think.(3)

Come on, you're nearly there...


  1. 42 across - exams
    43 down - ace
    18 across - expat
    15 across - lap
    13 across - atone

    can my boss bill you for my time on my timesheet?

  2. 30 across - easter
    58 across - weaterproofness (are you making these words up?!)

    32 across - acting
    56 down - leo

  3. I'll update the grid later, but in the meantime you get the ccredits for these answers. Which puts you MILES in the lead.

    That word was in fact suggested by Colin, when I asked him to give me a 16-letter word, but I think he looked it up first...

    By the way you misspelled it but I got the gist.

  4. ok....

    40 across cnc
    12 down song and dance of it

    Do I get my sloppy kiss?????

  5. I'd like to withdraw my last answers - 12 down and 40 across...they must be wrong....and this way if Odette gets all remaining answers she can still win.....and I don't have to kiss you..(nothing personal...)

  6. Can't follow what's been answered already!

    31 Down 'Aghast'

    A x
