Site Hits - Well done one and all

Friday, January 16, 2009

Twenty five percent done

It's Friday 16th, I've been here on the platform for a week. Only three weeks to go then...

I was typing nonsense as usual in my noisy little cubicle the other day, and all of a sudden there was a click and everything went off - lights, computers, fans, air conditioning, the lot. I sat in total darkness wondering if it was my fault, bless me. Quite scary really. The total silence, shocking in itself, was soon replaced by an ominous whoooshing sound, as the gas burnoff unit (you know, the flame you see on any oil or gas site) began venting 80 million cubic metres of gas. The flame was about four metres long and quite close to the container I work in. We beat a hasty retreat to the main living quarters and waited for another evacuation to swing into action. Alas, it was only a generator failure and curse them, they started the spare within 15 minutes and we were all free to carry on regardless. Apparently if the blackout had lasted much longer we could have been in danger, as all the surrounding rigs push oil and gas to this one for storage, and pressure would have built up quite quickly...

Lubiloo, if you're still reading this, I've been to the gym and used the bike three times in this first week so that mountain bike ride is looking a distinct possibility when I get home. You better be ready girl. That of course goes for anyone else reading this who fancies being shown up by a wheezing 50 year old on a rusty old nail. Grant, you there fatty?

And another thing - I want a long walk organised for sometime between 13th and 21st Feb. I favour the walk from New Mills along the Sett to Hayfield, then over to Edale. Done it once and would like to try it again weather permitting. Food in the Nags Head is fine, and there's a train home - whoopee.

And another thing - I want parties organised. Trips to the pub. Barbecues. Actvities. Yes I know it'll be February but use your imagination(s).

I have taken some pics on the rig (naughty me), but they are all a bit oil-rig-ish if you know what I mean - an emphasis on rusty iron and miles of open water, with the occasional boat/helicopter to break the monotony. I know you're all dying to see them so as soon as I figure out a way to transfer them onto this PC I will publish and be damned.

More later. Be good.


  1. ...and theres me hoping you weren't going to stick to that promise. Done one bike ride home in 2 weeks - very poor and have not even managed to budge a pound since my return to work.
    I have some serious peddling to do to get back to my fitness peak!
    However, one never gets stuck by a solid brick wall they bulldoze through it and take up the challenge. Must take note - get bike serviced, get on bike, do 60miles a week!!!! Ouch.
    Anyway, no planning done yet. Will get on bike this weekend and assess a few routes.
    Definately up for walking to Edale, it is one of our favourite walks too. Could make it more interesting by doing Kinder and down into Edale...only a thought.
    Oh yes am still here. Have a very busy job at mo - dont have a life Tuesday - Friday and therefore very thankful for a 3-day weekend.
    Where are those pics!!!?

  2. Yes yes Kinder, Jacobs Ladder Barber Booth Edale Yes yes. that's our preferred route - takes us both back to our beginnings all those years ago.

    Photos a bit tricky. I need a bluetooth adapter or a cable - forgot to bring either. I'll try to borrow something.

    How's your heating? Got any yet?

  3. Nope!!! Still surviving though. It has got a little warmer here - however, it doesn't stop Gem getting into bed with us or her moaning to go round to a nice warm Nana and Grandad's but all is well. The house is coming on slowly, the plumber is coming next week.
    Have you got Air Con on the rig? What temperature you got out there?


  4. Hi Russell,

    Glad you are still alive and kicking ... well Joan and I are going to start training for the Belfast Marathon ... fancy to join us??? Have fun Bye

  5. L:
    It's 30C outside, but quite cool in the computer room due to the aircon - very efficient to keep the puters cool you know. We actually have to wear layers in there - unheard of since I left blighty.

    Marathons? You know I'm a sprinter. And what happened to our blow by blow (ahem) account of your love life? I was hoping you would find the ideal man and get married this year.

  6. Russell, the Saudi man was only looking for a quick leg over in Ireland en-route home so I nipped it in the bud. Sadly there havent been any since ... I also dont think I really like Irish men - they are all xenophobic and divorced women are an anthema to them so will have to wait until I get to the UK, God willing that will be soon. Watched a facinating program on TV about Project Management and they were interviewing UK companies and Prince 2 was mentioned by a good few of them so that is my new direction. The other was a pretrochem co.

    Hey its snowing here this morning. Take care and have fun.
