Site Hits - Well done one and all

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Une anniversaire

Sandy's birthday on Thursday, shall we get him a cake or give him the bumps?

I'm voting cake.

Now there's a phrase you don't hear very often.


  1. Argghh - was planning a low key day - how did you know! - Actually was planning to have a day off, but FAT not letting me... boo - I'm going to Ireland on Friday so need to work on Thursday. Not fair.

    Sorta applied for a job in China as well...... well an agency asked for an up to date cv, then phoned me and asked how soon I could arrange a Chinese visa.... oops . Not sure if I'm ready to leave Glasgow. Secure contract here, and it's oil.... mmmmm. So keep bimbling on here, or jump to China (1 months probabtion eek.. ) for the big bucks.... descisions descisions......

  2. China's the place to be Sandy. Secure contract? Pish. Wait till they need to make "financial adjustments", you'll be gone before you can say "hoots mon".
