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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Help me understand

..and I quote - "I believe fate plays a large part in who gets lucky and who doesn't."

This was by Formula 1 commentator Martin Brundle in his column. Normally I enjoy everything the guy says. He's witty, informed and concise. This ditty, however, has me suspecting he's a dimwit. He's talking about Felipe Masa'a accident on Saturday, when a spring from the car in front nearly brained him by bouncing up as he flew down the straight at 200mph.

If anyone can tell me what this sentence means I'd be genuinely pleased because either I'm missing something, or it's nonsense.

Thre word "Fate" has always set me off asking questions of whoever uttered it and as yet I've had no satisfactory answer, only confused mumblings. If I wasn't so charitable I'd be thinking that those who use these phrases are secretly hoping that there's a pattern to events that makes life a bit less frightening. Dare I say a guiding hand? I'd also be telling them to get a grip.

Be good, and watch what you say.


  1. ok, since you're a geek like me, I can help you understand a bit better....

    There is no such thing as fate or luck or a sentient 'guiding principle' - statistics and 'random' occurancies can be broken down by the principle of factor sparsity. (Pareto principle). There - see - easy. (apologies to our non-geek readers....)

  2. I'll look that up. Thanks Sandy. Are you coming to see us on the 22nd August?

  3. Tim Minchin - "To claim, when something that has a 64-million-to-1 chance of happening happens, that it's a miracle, is to greatly underestimate the number of things there are in the world'... or something like that.

    Are you still coming back in August?

    A x
