Site Hits - Well done one and all

Friday, July 31, 2009

Chopper, Schmopper

I was supposed to be on a chopper home today, but due to the progress we're making on fixing the system, I cancelled it half an hour before the flight. Now I'm stuck on a platform and they tell me the cabin I was in is booked, and so are all the others. Hmm, looks like a few nights on the office floor then. If they put me back on Millennium I'll sulk badly. No chance of early/late working, and more importantly, no gym!

While we're on calamity, congratulations to Sandy (aka Master of Chaos), whose birthday celebrations seem to have ended up with him locked in his own porch. He's coming to my house for dinner in a few weeks, and I fully expect him to spend an entertaining hour telling us of his latest disasters. That guy could lose his keys/phone/wallet for a living.

Cartoons, there's a thought.

In other news (sorry Maureen this is dull - look away) I got weighed for the flight and I've lost 5lb. Mind you, 4lb of water probably needs putting back in after last night's grueller in the gym.

In other other news, what's happened to Odette, one of our main contributors until recently? I've messaged her on Facebook but got no answer. Somebody give her a poke please, I miss her.

***** Warning, bloke-talk ahead *********
In blokey news, I hear that Michael Schumacher will drive Masa's car while they rebuild Masa's head. That should be interesting. Never go back is the mantra, but the guy was head and shoulders above the rest. Who knows? Only the next race will tell.
***** End of bloke-talk *********

Who can believe it's the last day of July already? Soon the weather will turn bad. Oh yes, it already has. To quote No. 1 daughter Alex, "[Alex] seems to have slept for 5 months and woken up in winter. Tell me I didn't miss Christmas?!". Well put dear, very succinct. It's that damned jetstream in the wrong place again. Whichever jet is doing it needs to be grounded IMHO.

Has anyone else read Steven Erikson's Malazan books? Excellent, totally absorbing, pure escapism. Highly recommended. I'm on number 5 and I believe there are eight or nine, and he's still alive! Memories of 1973, when I read LOTR for the first of many times, went bounding into school to tell everyone about how great Tolkien was, only to be told he'd karked it the day before. Similar fates for those unfortunates who got into the lamentable Robert Jordan "Wheel of Time" books - he died without writing the 12th and last installment. My guess is he did it to avoid the impending backlash when poeple realised that no, he wasn't able to tie all his storylines together and his solution was to create more threads. Speaking ill of the dead, sorry. Anyway, read Erikson, you'll thank me.

I hear big brother is back on - more mundanity (new word). Exactly what is being celebrated there? What is the nature of the entertainment? Ask yourself these questions and look down in shame. It's lots of dull people desperately trying to be outrageous, just to stay on telly. It celebrates stupidity, it's excruciating and it sends bad messages. I hate it. There I said it.

By the way, going back to calamity, I got here having remembered to bring my phone charger because, although there's no reception, I use the phone as a music player to drown out the awful ching-chong music the locals play. Used the phone for the first day, went flat. No problem, got out the charger - pin broken. Bollocks. No music! Ah but all is not lost - I can stream 6music. Bliss.

More soon. Since I'm stuck here I might as well do some work.

Three weeks till home time. Bring it on. And if possible and where appropriate, be good.


  1. Dear Russell,

    Im back and thank you for the poke ...

    Its been a bit of a survival camp lately and I got lost in the wilderness. Things are really rubbish here, the banks are totally bankrupt and the economy has ground to a slow churn. Its awful!!!

    I have a job, its only 3 days and I drive 850 miles a week and cover the territory from Dublin to Galway and north into Donegal. (fortnightly - not all in 1 week) Tuff driving but easy work so there is a big +++.

    Tyrone is trying to cope on his own in Limerick and has been doing Kayaking holiday camps for the kids to earn money. He is lean and fit but to be honest I think he really misses having a home, its not that great sharing a house with strangers :-(. Anyway I miss him sorely.

    No news from the French gov yet ... its summer - they are on holiday and my citizenship / passport papers are in a drawer somewhere. The imm offices here are being cut and who knows who makes the rules except they are draconian. No work for foreigners ... on telly none the less ... and we dont care if you are from the EU or have been here 5 years ... lovely!!!

    I have been trying to catch up on your blogs ... started reading yesterday ...

    I did my first triathlon, in Athlone ... also explains not having a moment to think straight ... trained 5 x a week only had 7 weeks to train ... and on fridays did all 3 disciplines as a training run.

    It was fantastic - I came in 26 min behind my age-group winner so I am chuffed. Had a wonderful time and I would like to do another 1 or two. The training is great as its all sprint distance - the big problem is getting the sea / river swim right from the comfortable swimming pool swim.

    The wetsuit helps but I have lost a great deal of confidence in the river and to think I spent my child, adulthood skiing and swimming I cant understand it - but it has a lot to do with my asthma and the water pressure is quite frightening on my lungs in the wetsuit.

    The next one up is the Dublin city and the swim is in the liffey ... never mind the great green greasy Limpopo (Rudyard Kipling) the Liffey is disgusting at best ... LOL!!!

    Oh I broke a nail on the triathlon but it was glorious competing again and I really must admit I only went to bed at 2 the next moring living it up.

    BTW !!! I nailed Vaughns best time by 30 minutes ... LOL!!! I met up with some mates of his doing it and we had a great chinway and a laugh. Havent heard from the sorry bastard since I moved here ... he couldnt even find the grace to congratulate me but I roared with the pure pride and pleasure of the win ...!!!

    Oh yeah ... you probably realised Im a bit competitive ... LOL!!!

    Anyway Im going to dash off for my run and do my taxes this weekend. Its a bank holiday - T is here and he promised to teach me to rollerblade ...

    Take care, miss you lots and send love to Lynny from me ... I will call her as I cant make her bash in August - how I wish I could.

    Hugs and xxx


  2. No problem, any time you need a poke, look no further.

    It's really good to have you back on board. Sounds like you're still working too hard.

    Congrats on the triathlon, and not just on beating Vaughn. I've done a few sprints myself so I know the feeling you are talking about. Actually there's one near New Mills the day after I get home but I think the jetlag would make it a bit of a chore.
    And anyway I've done virtually no swimming since coming to Thailand.
    Jeez, I don't even know where my wetsuit is. It was required for all the events I did except one, which was in a nice cushy pool.

    I hope the French thing happens soon so you can easily visit us. Keep reading and commenting.

  3. Hmm, where's my credit for reccommending the Malazan books to you, eh? The only down side is that he does frequently and incorrectly use the word 'draconian' to mean dragon-like (as I was reminded by reading Odette's post like a nosey-parker).

    It's sunny! Joy of joys!

    A x

  4. Hadn't spotted that, thanks. I have noticed he thinks "Penultimate" means "Last" and seems preoccupied with sweaty helms. But it's just nit-picking init.
    Thanks for the tip, I do appreciate it, especially now that I'm marooned with nothing but Erikson and 300 non-English speakers. See blog in a day or so.

  5. Hello Russell,

    Thanks for the support. I have had 2 x 6km runs (Friday and Saturday) and done little else so I feel sooo lazy.

    Hi Alex, I dont mind you reading my posts, its a great way to vent ... sort of privately.

    I have to do my taxes - have 5 years to claim so it may be a good idea ...

    Good news, the company I work for is now lised on the British Stock Ex. When my passport comes thru I intend to move to the UK. It would be a big help if I could stay with the same company, what think.

    Here go more prayers to the gods, I might have to dance naked around some trees or something in the rain but anything that would help ... LOL

    I prefer Terry Prachett where the guys wife breeds dragons, some of them sound so cute ... thats about as much fantasy as I can manage, sorry I cant be more helpful on the book front.

    Im busy reading 60 million Frenchmen cant be wrong, all about French culture and Government ... next I have to nail the language

    Take care and have fun


