Site Hits - Well done one and all

Monday, September 1, 2008

What did we get upto this weekend?

Hi All

This is my first attempt at posting on our Russell's Blog and I have already put all the photos in the wrong order!!! (and do not know how to change the order- if you can at all) At least I know what to do for next time.
Well this weekend was all about the birthday boy - Tony. Not going to give away your age Tony so no worries there but a good weekend was had by all.
We did the pub thing on Saturday where there were at one point more of our party than everyone else in the pub! There was Ann & Tony, Martin and myself, Brenda and Elaine, Staurt and Jason and Tracy and Peter and friends. Bernie and Hilary came along with baby boy Jack who is coming on leaps and bounds now. Saturday being in fact Jack's expected date of arrival.
We celebrated Tony's official birth day on Sunday by having a lovely boat ride down the canal to Buxsworth basin whereby Ann again surpassed herself and made a lovely Pork Roast Dinner finished wish lashings of lovely Apple Pie and cream. We were joined by Phil (and his robotic foot!) who we had not seen for a while but seems to be recovering well from his Ankle Operation.
Again, sorry about the pictures but I am sure you can figure our the order now I have given you the low down!
Getting quite nifty with this camera thing now. Have realised though I do need some bigger handbags to fit it in!!


  1. very nice, looks like they all had a really good time, who's that mad woman with the umbrella though, she seems to be hogging the photos a bit ;-)

  2. have you been drinking, they look in the right order to me :-)

  3. btw only one is clickable you have to delete them and upload agiain to fix it!

  4. Can I just add that the last comment was NOT by me, as you can all probably tell by the appalling punctuation, capitalisation, spelling, grammar etc.
    Must change my login details, wifey knows my current passwords.
    Nice photo's, Lucy, and well done for posting. The non-clickable thing is a nuisance, caused by deleting what looks like spaces to get the photos closer together. In fact you are deleting html code in the background. It's actually better to edit the post in html to make sure you only delete spaces or divisions. Ok now I sound patronising so I'll go away.

  5. oops that would be me then, i'm sorry thought i was helping by rearranging the photos, will mind my own business in the future, great photos lucy!!!

    sorry dear forgot i was logged in as you :-(

  6. thanks guys looks so much better. Now you can argue amongst yourselves but atleast I know I have some hands to help. Gotta dash on way to say adios to Lyn for 3weeks (ooohhhh) and sort out some music our wedding with Jay. xx
