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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

In Thais of Trouble

I've been watching with some alarm the number of pigeons around the Government buildings, and thinking it's only a matter of time before they attempt a coo.

I've waited five years to crack that joke, so let me savour it a while...... ahh, nice.

Well, I'm fine, if a little upset at the authorities for blocking my access to my blog. I got around it with the help of a UK proxy (no, that's not contagious Lynny.)

As far as the troubles go, I haven't personally seen anything untoward. There seems to be a certain amount of complacency here, because people genuinely believe in the King's power to step in and stop the troubles if it goes too far. I'm not convinced, and Thai law prevents speaking bad words about the King, so open discussion is not possible.

For now it's business as usual for expats, but if that changes I'll be on the first plane home I assure you.


  1. Let me know how things are going out there and whether I need to bring an escape kit.
    y the way, from your photos it seems that shorts and white socks are the best way to blend in. Shall I bring some?

  2. Things are fine.
    Yes bring the shorts and white socks you'll blend in nicely. Might try that myself in fact. Although my legs are rather too hairy to carry it off properly. Sod it, I'll shave them.

  3. glad your ok was thinking about you with the news...

    hope Lynne got there ok... spoke to Jason today about the car situation!!!

    anyways... have fun and stay safe... and keep wearing the shorts nd white socks... photo's???


  4. She arrives today in 4 hours, hopefully. I'm picking her up from the airport with our driver (hark at me!), and I have the afternoon off. Maybe we'll go see the protests...

  5. I wish someone had warned me about that law. I'm pretty sure when I was there I loudly asked a lot of questions along the lines of 'Who the hell is that geek?', and remarked that he should've gone to specsavers. Oops!

    A x

  6. He had a spell in hospital recently, came out wearing a pink jacket. The whole country now wears pink on that day of the week, thinking it will keep the King from dying.
