Site Hits - Well done one and all

Monday, July 5, 2010


They just announced that after the BBC Trust's consultation period, common sense has prevailed, and 6Music is not closing.

Now I'm relieved because it'd be a bit daft spending all that money on a DAB radio just to listen to Radio 4, Radio 2 (occasionally), 5 Live (rarely), and Radio 1 (almost never), which are all on FM anyway.

In other music-related news, wifey has demanded I buy her the first four Mike Oldfield albums, which remind her of her lost youth. I remember quite liking them, but time will tell how much time has told. I have a feeling they are going to sound quite dated.

Tour update: Arms Legstrong had a good prologue and is high up the order; Bert the Accountant (Alberto Contador to you) is also doing well; Manxman Mark Cavendish fell on his arse yesterday, and our man Wiggins is nowhere.


  1. hello , i feel awful, i have been neglecting the blog, am i forgiven??

  2. As long as you don't neglect the blogger it's fine.
