Site Hits - Well done one and all

Thursday, July 1, 2010


My last boredom-fuelled purchase (curtailed due to limited disposable income) is working well. I've always wanted a DAB radio and now I have one sitting on my desk. I can get 6music on it so I don't have to rely on defeating the anti-streaming software they use at work.

Unfortunately that means I'll regularly be buying cd's due to hearing stuff I like. Sorry bank manager. It also means music will keep appearing on here. I hear something I like and of course everybody has to be bombarded with it.

Here's a thing - music appreciation. I was walking along the street the other day when I heard Whitney Houston's "I-yee-I-yee-I will always love-a-yooo" belting out of someone's house. I've hated it since it came out, being as it is a showcase for a voice I find too big and soulless. However, I got to thinkng, if that record is still giving someone pleasure after all this time then I need to rethink my definition of the term "Music fan". Some people must love that voice, or it could be "Pleasure by association" i.e. the record reminds the listener of happier times, which triggers nice feelings. Still, the person is happy on hearing the song - what else is required? Curious thing, music. Discuss.


  1. I think music by association is a very important trait. If you think ... in the 'olden days' people told stories and there was a sense of belonging to those involved, but we dont sit around and tell enough stories anymore and so hearing a piece of music brings us back to that time/event.

    Im thinking of the San people who tell a lot of stories, they dont necessarily burst into song just for the hell of it as singing / music is a social event ...

    ...any anthropologist out there willing to comment?

    So yes I agree with you, some music sets your teeth on edge but its important to them. Also if we all listened to the same music it might just become white noise.

    phew ... all that before breakfast ... need coffee

  2. Russell!

    *breathless pants* ... Le tour !!!

    you have to do something for us ... its tour fever and it starts on Saturday *gasp*, since I dont understand all the stats you will have to work it out for me and other non-cyclist followers.

    Dont forget ...Arms Legstrong is racing his new team Radio Shack ...

    Please !!!

    Thanx ... * breathe deeply*

  3. Arms Legstrong. Love that name. First time I've smiled today (not true - I smiled when the DAB picked up 6music).

    I might visit whatever site has the stats and translate them here. What do you want to know? Who's winnig, obviously. I have severe misgivings about the sport vis-a-vis doping - how can they get themselves up for 200 km rides day after day without chemical assistance? And they do it all year round. C'est impossible, je pense. However we must accept it at face-value and cheer on our heroes. Any brits in with a chance this year?

    Tour updates to follow.

  4. I don't really care for Whitney's voice, but it is astonishing. She can do impressive things with it.

    I very rarely talk about what music I listen to day-to-day, mostly because I'm often surrounded by music geeks who might mock the music that I love into the ground. Music taste is a very personal thing and I just don't want to hear someone trying to make me feel guilty for being moved by something because it's 'rubbish' according to them. It makes me feel small and cynical and old. So yeah, leave the poor (wo)man to h(is/er) Whitney.

    That being said, it does feel like there is some kind of objective standard for what is 'good' music, ie originality, technicality, the illusive 'soul' etc. But you'd have a hard time finding that standard under layers of your own preconceptions, preferences, and perceptions of society's attitude towards this-or-that genre.

  5. Well I suppose we all take offence when others don't share our taste. One useful response is sarcasm...

    Opinionated fan: "That music you're listening to is rubbish"
    Proper fan: "Thanks for the tip, I'll stop enjoying it immediately and spread the word"

    I'm guilty of a certain amount of musical snobbery, the realisation of which prompted the post. In future I hope to take a leaf out of Gid Coe's book and tolerate absolutely everything. Just as long as I have a means of escape....
