Site Hits - Well done one and all

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Philanthropy, photography and finality.

Just had a call from a very excited Thai student. He's on his way to my apartment as we speak, to pick up all the free gear I advertised, or rather wifey advertised. We're talking worktop cooker, cushions, top mattresses, kettle and toaster. I had no intention of carting them home, and no time to advertise them for sale, so she quickly lobbed an ad onto the Anglo Info forum. Now I feel very philanthropic.

In other news, the apartment now looks like nobody lives here. All my stuff is piled into one corner ready for the movers on Monday, except the drums which I'm leaving to the last minute in case I feel musical in the next 36 hours.

I've moved my flight forward to Wednesday morning, or rather wifey has (Seeing a pattern here?). I have to say, having witnessed via skype video link the two-hour muzak-athon which was required in order to change the flight, including (I counted) four instances of being on hold and the line going dead and having to start again, that she showed patience above and beyond the call of duty. Hats off to the ginger one. Anyway, that gets me home by Wednesday evening, with sufficient time to get stupidly excited about picking up the bike, which won't be ready till the weekend.

The bike is in friend John's shop (Bridge Road Motorcycles in Crosby, Liverpool - there you go John, a free plug) being fixed up after two years of neglect. Apparently it's running already and an MOT is imminent. I've probably mentioned this before, but I'm stupidly excited about getting back on the noisy yellow monster. On top of the excitiement of coming home for good, and starting a new job, I'm just about jumping up and down with it.

While we're on workshops, isn't Martin's place in New Mills called BB Auto's? Well, I spotted another branch of the franchise the other day here in Bangkok...
Kept that quiet didn't he?

While we're on new jobs, I've done my last full day in the Plexal office and had a nice meal with a select few of my colleagues here. It was good, we all said how great we were and some beer was involved. Also the cheapest steamed sea-bass I'll see for a few years to come.

This wil be my last blog before I come home and the whole thing gets moved onto another address. When I'm home I will sort all that out, so for now watch this space for details of "Squirrel Times".

Be good, and be there when I get home.


  1. You better be planning on coming and saying 'hello' when you come all the way down to my turf to pick up that bike!

    I'm slightly welled-up at the thought of how happy that lucky Thai student must be right now. In a good way.

    A x

  2. Ha, ok I'll come and buy you some grub, how would that be?
    I don't think the Thai student could believe his luck. That's my good deed for 2010.

  3. Sounds good to me! Give me a text/skype/facebook when you know when you're picking it up.
