Then a bloke on the Hotel tuk tuk, which thankfully turned up just as I was contemplating the 1km walk from skytrain to apartment, made a quip which I think he regretted. He'd complimented me on my rather handsome and stylish ironing board, so I began to read out the jokey message printed into the denim-look cover. It says something like "An iron is a device you rub on clothes to remove creases" - anyway his reply was "It should be in Thai because I'm sure YOU won't be the one using it!" Well having had a stressful time on the train I was in no mood for "sexpat" insinuations, so I said "Oh I'll be the one using it alright" in a rather high-and-mighty, don't-you-know-who-I-am kind of way. He immediately muttered an apology and a "Got that wrong", and was exceedingly nice to me for the rest of the ride, and made sure he held the lift for me when we got to Lake Green. Actually I wasn't really offended but there you go.
Sandy came to visit last night. We had a good old chinwag and some beer. He stayed over at my place. Here's us drunkenly playing drums - oy, the neighbours...
My word, the look of happiness on my ugly mush. Give me six beers and I'm anybody's.
Don't know if I'll be able to blog from Bangladesh, don't suppose you care. Later taters.