Site Hits - Well done one and all

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Shoes, shopping and stuff

My shoes bit the dust, so I toddled off to the shops for a nice distraction from work. Evidence of said ex-shoes here:
Yes that is my finger.
So tatty.
Anyway I went to a swanky posh shop called Siam Paragon, where all the beautiful Thai people go to show off their spending power. I knew very well that the place is much more expensive than it needs to be, but being a rich foreigner I decided I'd sashay over there and pose with the hoy-polloy. I immediately saw the perfect pair of shoes. Exactly what I was looking for - result! Picked them up, looked at the price - dropped them like a pair of radioactive potatoes. £160 for shoes? Surely they jest? I was out of the place before you could say "tight arsed scouser".

I waltzed back onto the Skytrain for one stop, alighting at the enormous MBK Plaza. I soon found that the quality was sub-standard here, and that as usual in Thailand, if it says "Puma" it's obviously not Puma. Ditto Adidas, Nike etc. However if one sticks to less well known brands the quality rises again. After all, who's going to buy replica "Ching Tong Footwear Company" shoes?

I found a nice pair of leather lace-ups for a quarter of the Paragon price and went home a happy man. I was assured, by both the staff and by the evidence of my own nose, that the items I purchased are "leel rether, mis-tuuur", so hopefully they won't fall apart in a month's time.

Right, that's enough nonsense for now. Be good.

By the way, here's a picture of the new shoes:


  1. Hello Russell,

    Enjoy your new shooz, hope they dont give you blisters :-)

    All good this end, Tyrone is battling to shake off the swine flu, but doing better.

    My neighbour has just got a basset puppy and her name is Jess, Im in love ... its so cute.

    Maggie and I went with Maya (Irish wolfhound) and Ifty (her owner) to support our friends running a 10 mile in Phoenix Park. Spectating is exhausting - would rather run it. Mat did it in 73 min and Sinead in 1h45, great times and gives me more incentive to pick up the pace. Have decided to do a half marathon in Sept, and possibly 1 more tri. Isnt it gas when you dont run for 2 weeks then pull on your shoes and run 10 miles ... Im enjoying this level of fitness but drive everyone around me insane with my hyperactivity ... LOL!!!

    Well take it easy, enjoy the weekend and chat soon.

    Hugz ...

    Ps I have seen a programme on Gascony (France) and think I would like to move there, its my new 5 year plan ... what say batman ??? You and Lynny care to join me in the sun???


  2. We had a 5 year plan to move to Gascony aboout ten years ago. Something went wrong somewhere. We loved the idea of living there. Not now though - too happy in UK. (When I'm there, that is!)

  3. Oh Russell, Just read out your blog to Mart and he has just upped on right in (I was in the dining room he was in the extension) to confirm those are the shoes you literally only bought a couple of months ago (were they not!!???)
    Next comment was.... he may have bought leather (no proof as no picture of said ""Leather"" shoes) but what about the stitching!!!:-()

    Still here..all efforts (when in!) now on the house...finally have a living room and some where to relax at the end of the night.

    Looking forward to your return, just got to recover before the party - been on a hen weekend and am shattered. Off to bed. See you at the weekend (I can say that now - less than a week to go:-))

    Lucy x

  4. Hello L&M. Good to hear you've at least got a living room now. When's the house warming?

    Checking my records, I blogged about those shoes in September 2008 so they've had a good innings. The stitching on the new ones is good enough - you'll see them next week no doubt, and Martin can pass on his sartorial wisdom.

  5. Hello Russell,

    what good is a picture of a carrier bag to prove that you have shoes? I'm sure you could see them better out of the bag or even on your feet!


  6. The bag was a tease, you duffer. I have nothing to prove.
