Site Hits - Well done one and all

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Home at last

I got off! They put me on a chopper this morning, but at first they said I had to go to the dreaded Tanker to catch it. I was all set to go through the comic runaround to get a boat over there, when the guy in charge of transport & accommodation, who I've seen a lot of on this trip, told me they'd made "some changes" and I could catch my flight direct from the platform. That, to me, proves the value of never losing your temper with people who might one day be able to help you. Which is everybody.

Perhaps I should back track a bit - yes I did get off the tanker, and spent the last two days of the trip comfortably homed on BLQ. Mind you, they put me in a different room each night - nothing's simple in Benchamas. But I did get some work done, and the system, as I'd hoped, is fixed. I also got to use the gym, to burn off the three days' worth of laziness I'd been through.

Back to the office tomorrow, ho hum. Soon this will all seem like a dream...


  1. Hi Russel,

    Glad you are home (well in Bangkok) I believe the storms are dreadful. Is it monsoon season - or is that still something you are waiting for?

    Take care and chat soon.

    Im going out for a 6km run ... my legs are like rubber and I have a bad headache. Too much mucky sinus and not enough good exercise.



    Please ask Lyn to call me.

  2. I've just returned from the gym, so I'm feeling very righteous. Rowing and Cycling, no running today, my old knee problem has flared up - must be overdoing it. That's going to keep happening until I lose this spare tyre I suppose.
    Lyn is desperate to call you. She asked for your number via facebook the other day, I hope you asnwered by private message, not on your status - otherwise you'd get more calls than you bargained for.
    Keep training. When is the next event?
