Site Hits - Well done one and all

Friday, March 20, 2009

So I said to this horse...

Things are hotting up here and I haven't had time to blog much, nor have I had much to blog about, unless you all want to read about bits and bytes, servers and clients, hard drives, floppy disks and firewalls, templates and instances, uploads and downloads, galaxies and graphics.

No? Didn't think so.

I just finished "A Partisan's Daughter" by Louis de Bernieres. Very short book, you could speed-read it in a couple of hours, and at first glance fairly easy reading. However the last few pages, even the last line, hit me like a train and made me want to weep for the two main characters. He's a very good writer.

I also watched "The Pride and the Glory" with Edward Norton, Colin Farrell and Jon Voigt. Loads of talented people in it, but way too violent. However, when the main protagonists weren't beating the crap out of each other/the baddies/women/children/etc, they found time for some powerful acting. Worth watching if you have a strong stomach. Jon Voigt as the (initially) proud father, drunkenly speechifying at the christmas dinner table was definitely a high point. Everyone likes a drink but nobody likes a drunk.

Seven days now till I go back to the platform. It'll be a difficult trip so expect some histrionics. I hope to keep blogging while on board, to release pent up frustration on my long-suffering readership. I haven't yet booked my flight home, as even my ten-day break between platform trips is now in doubt, such is the current situation with this job. If all goes to plan I'll be flying on the 23rd April, but not promising to be in the pub this time as I stood a few people up last time.

I'm off to write a letter. Be good.


  1. On second thoughts, I'm not too bothered about hearing about floppy disks.

  2. "unless you all want to read about bits and bytes, servers and clients, hard drives, floppy disks and firewalls, templates and instances, uploads and downloads, galaxies and graphics."

    Yes. Yes I Do.

    Have you tried GrAccess? It's rather nice.

  3. Damn, and there I was lining up my very best 3.5" anecdotes.
    Not tried GrAccess. What it for? Would it make all my worries about slow comms go away? Or is it more of a development tool?

  4. You get us all excited with the promise of firewalls, hard drives and instances? Sounds gripping - do post more (include detailed diagrams).....waiting impatiently....
