Site Hits - Well done one and all

Monday, March 23, 2009

Frustration anyone?

Just a note to those of an engineering persuasion who might be reading. If you really like doing your job in bursts of 30 seconds of actual coding, followed by ten to fifteen minutes watching an egg timer while knots form in your stomach, try ArchestrA. I guarantee you'll lose the power of rational thought and your language will turn a deep shade of blue.

I'm off to kick something.


  1. Dad! I'm going to learn C++. Don't be impressed yet, wait till I've done it... but thought I should update you :-)

    A x

  2. C++ is very lucrative. How come you're learning that? Are you doing your masters yet? Sorry I've lost the thread of where you were up to.
    I'm already impressed sorry.

  3. It actually took me a few seconds to see what was wrong with the picture. I've been under the impression recently that the product is called
    "ArchestrA IDE (Not Reponding)" along the same lines of
    "Terminator 2 (Judgement Day)"

    You know what the problem is, you've not got enough RAM and your CPU is too small.

    Getting a bigger CPU and more RAM will certainly improve the situation....that way you'll be able to play age of empires while you wait for ArchestrA to pull it's finger out!

  4. Well, there are four CPU's in the server, and SQL Server is almost always maxing out one of them.
    If we could get SQL Server to use two or three processors instead of just one that would help. Upgrading to eight processors would NOT help. We're stretching it a bit having six or seven people developing at the same time too.

  5. I was only joking, CRIKEY! Is the stress getting to you Russ? ;-)

  6. Yes sorry, pressure-induced loss of humour. Will try harder. Namecheck appreciated so it's not all bad.
