Site Hits - Well done one and all

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Prodical sons and daughters

You've all come back, how gratificatory. I was briefly down to an audience of one or two (you know who you are, and thanks) but today I've had new comments from Odette, Lucy and Sandy. Yesterday Paul chipped in too. I'm so pleased I decided to answer you all in a new thread, so here goes:

Sandy, I don't believe for one millisecond that you want to hear about firewalls, hard drives and instances. Nor do I want to talk about them, since they occupy 90% of my time lately. How are things in bonny Scotland, and when are you coming out here to buy me a Singha?

Odette, stress seems to be the order of the day, what with the financial crisis etc. you, me, Lynny and Lubiloo are all under pressure and no sign of an end to it. Let's form a "neurotics helpline", in which we all call each other and talk about our problems with heart murmurs, sleeplessness and caffeine addiction. There's comfort in numbers.

Loob, how nice to have you back onboard, if only briefly while your arm heals. Give the pickaxe to Martin next time, you stick with the pruning eh? I hope they get you some help at work - a little (ginger) bird told me you are inundated with benefit claims, and no wonder.

I just watched Barack Obama doing his thing on the Jay Leno show. Very down to earth guy, not at all like a British politician. They talk in everyday language over there, not hyperbole, rhetoric and intellectual double-speak like our lot. Mind you, over there the opposition are less critical of the current leadership. Our lot just snipe at each other constantly, it's pathetic.

Ah well, enough moaning, have to be up for work, g'night, be good.


  1. Hey Mr.Hindley......I'm coming out to have some Singha time as soon as this project of mine calms down a wee bit. I'm now local project manager for the build - so it's gonna get hectic again soon. Obviously I'd love to hear all about instances and firewalls again - this Hardware Engineering is dull! (when firewalls and galaxys become interesting - you know hardware design is bad.....)
    I've emailed young Colman back in Ireland - he was looking for work -and we're hiring Junior Engineers - so we'll see how that goes. So - if you're entering the 'end game' in the project - why buy a bike over there? Is the project/contract getting extended? Be good.

  2. Oh I so want to see the Jay Leno show. Heard dribs and drabs on the radio but oh is Obama so cool, intellectually brilliant and so down to earth - got to get to see it but dont have Sky anymore, down to the bare knuckles at the mo, the house is costing us a bomb but not complaining and is looking good, still not finished, still no heating, no gas and we remain to have no toilet!!! for which I have given Mart a mouth full this weekend as it is not good hovering over a bucket when your over tired without the use of one arm!!
    Sleep tight, speak soon xx

  3. Hi All,

    Loobiloo your situation sound absolutely awful and I know its been going on for ages ... chin up!!!

    We finally got the garden shed up ... its one of those plastic lego things the erecting of which is very confusing and requires much happering and even more cussing. With the shen up I can start moving things out of my office and set up my desk, thereby moving the PC out of the sitting room. Ive bought more paint to paint the chimney brest ... its a deep plum colour and will look awfully posh ... Tyrone wants to stick with the olive green but he who paints has all the say ... tee hee.

    Motheres day was uneventful but very nice and lots acomplished which makes it all better.

    Jessica (the bassett) had an emergency hysterectomy and she is being treated for Septacemia. Poor girl. She is awfully poorly. She just developed an infection in the uterus and wham it blew out of control.

    I think I have to launch the Mount Odette Campaign with some urgency and due dilligency as a way to relieve some of the stress so hold thumbs.

    Meanwhile one of the reps has had an accident and I will be covering for him while Im on my hols ... extra money that will be most useful.

    Till later and have a great week at work. Hugz

  4. o no!!

    hope jessie is ok, and loob hope your arm gets better soon.

    sandy..... a manager......doesn't that involve organisation?????

  5. There she goes with her question marks. Gotta love her.

    Loob, not a good image but thanks for sharing. Especially liked the idea of "giving Martin a mouthful".

    Sandy, say hello to the youngster for me. This project ends soon but I'm hoping to be kept on for the next big thing. The bike will be useful IF I'm kept on, otherwise I'll sell it to the highest bidder and cut my losses.

    Odette, happering? It's a new word for me, and I like it whatever it means. Hold thumbs? Bizarre. Good luck with the "M.O.Camppaign" and hope it all slows down for you soon.
