I believe BST has kicked in over there. That means an hour less in bed you lazy bunch. After my 3.40 am start on Friday I've now got more sleep than I can handle here, in fact I'm running out of things to dream about. When they start repeating I'll know it's time to leave. Speaking of leaving, one of the choppers broke down on the pad here today, and everyone had to wait hours while parts were brought out by boat to fix it. Hope that doesn't happen to me on the 22nd.
I've been back to the good old gym and discovered that the equipment is suffering from overuse and undermaintenance. The pulldown machine won't pull down, the bars will barely bell and the static cycle has a wobbly top section and sqeaky wheels. Luckily we've befriended the Maintenance Supervisor - lovely bloke by the name of Bob Zitsch (Yes he's American) and he's promised to look into it. I'll be back there tonight so I hope he's done it already. Mind you he's 70 years old so he might have forgotten. Bless. Actually he looks about 55 so the oil business can't be all bad.
Bart's teeth have caused much hilarity this week. He's half way through a 6 month program of braces to close the gap between the front two, which was so large I wondered if it would have been easier to fit an extra one in. Now that would be a novel look. Anyway, right now he can't say words containing doulble esses without emitting a comical whistling sound, like an old kettle.
Bart struggles to keep his flaming hand away from his bananas.
When not sleeping, eating or working I find time for drumming practice (yes you heard me), reading or playing Age of Empires III - a fine game and recommended to anyone under the age
of 90. Games are quite bloke-ish I know, but ladies please don't hate us for it. We find shoes quite dull but we don't complain when you accumulate thousands of them. Wifey informed me today that she's finally found a replacement for her favourite red pumps, which she's been wearing for years even though they suffered a terrible accident with some black scuff-coat last summer.
No reason for posting this pic, I just think it's nice.
This is a sunrise, thankfully rig-free. The horizon here is full of the damned things - you 'd think this was the middle of an oil field.
My birthday happens while I'm home (go figure) so I've made a wishlist of stuff I'd really like:
- Lamborghini
- 3 year holiday
- Another 3 year holiday
- Cancel the Lambo, I hate cars
- Some time off
- A rest
I've been eating healthily since getting here, despite the abundance of cake on offer. I did take photos of a couple of meals with the intention of posting them here, but I think I've plumbed the depths of dullness enough for one day. That's the probem with trying to keep a blog running - you end up photographing your food. Madness. I'll post again when something interesting happens. Meanwhile I'm off to burn 400 calories on a rickety bike.
Later, be good