(wrote this last week, forgot to post it...)
My back is killing me. I have an appointment at the quacks on monday. Meanwhile no heroics. There are people in the new office who are aware of my near-legendary squash prowess, and they are queueing up for a drubbing, but I'm having to make sissy excuses because of my back. I hate being sick in any way, it's a personal insult from god. (..who?)
Work fairly slow, I begin to wonder if there really was any hurry for me to get here. Oh well, I'm sure it will get busy eventually.
Wifey and I have done two successive evening shifts at the installation site in Bolton this week. We've built a wooden frame around the staircase with a door (my poor back), so no light can leak into the installation from the stairwell. It'll be worth a visit when it opens if you're remotely interested in contemporary art. Details nearer the time. For a relatively unimportant (apart from the hectic rush for a first-class degree) third-year show, an awful lot has gone into this, and the other things she's done this year. I can't wait to see how busy we get when the final year rolls around. I may have to retire and become a full-time chippy/electrician/ladder-carrier/general handyman.
(..and now this week..)
Doctor prescribed the stronger anti-inflammtory drug Diclofenac, which has made me feel like I'm 25 again. Nothing hurts. You know you only notice things when they suddenly disappear? Well it turns out I've had aches and pains everywhere and just been ignoring them. Shoulders, back, knees, wrists, all feeling fine now thanks very much. I'm going to hate it when I have to stop taking these pills. I even feel like I could manage a game of squash, but best not until I'm off the sicklist. Doc reckons the back will be fixed after a week or so.
Work stayed boring for a week, got interesting for a few days, and is now boring again. Damn.
In other news, I found out yesterday that Leftfield have reformed with most of the lineup from 1991 (Leftism album) and are playing Manchester on 5th June and Sheffield on 6th. Must drag the missus along to one of those. I think they clash with some arty stuff - serious discussion ahead (gulp).
Speaking of arty stuff, Lyn filled the kitchen with white plaster fingers. I took some photos and made an animation, but the effect was much more spooky, even gruesome, in real life.
In other news, it seems we are going to have house-mates, in the form of Odette, and later Emma and Jody. One question - where will I put my drums when they arrive from Thailand? It's all temporary while they sort out jobs and places to stay, hopefully in New Mills. It will be nice for our social sphere to expand a little.
While we're on drums, I had my first drum lesson since my return yesterday and loved it. Loads of new stuff to practice as soon as I get some kit. That boat can't arrive fast enough.
Have to go, time for my medication. Be good.
My back is killing me. I have an appointment at the quacks on monday. Meanwhile no heroics. There are people in the new office who are aware of my near-legendary squash prowess, and they are queueing up for a drubbing, but I'm having to make sissy excuses because of my back. I hate being sick in any way, it's a personal insult from god. (..who?)
Work fairly slow, I begin to wonder if there really was any hurry for me to get here. Oh well, I'm sure it will get busy eventually.
Wifey and I have done two successive evening shifts at the installation site in Bolton this week. We've built a wooden frame around the staircase with a door (my poor back), so no light can leak into the installation from the stairwell. It'll be worth a visit when it opens if you're remotely interested in contemporary art. Details nearer the time. For a relatively unimportant (apart from the hectic rush for a first-class degree) third-year show, an awful lot has gone into this, and the other things she's done this year. I can't wait to see how busy we get when the final year rolls around. I may have to retire and become a full-time chippy/electrician/ladder-carrier/general handyman.
(..and now this week..)
Doctor prescribed the stronger anti-inflammtory drug Diclofenac, which has made me feel like I'm 25 again. Nothing hurts. You know you only notice things when they suddenly disappear? Well it turns out I've had aches and pains everywhere and just been ignoring them. Shoulders, back, knees, wrists, all feeling fine now thanks very much. I'm going to hate it when I have to stop taking these pills. I even feel like I could manage a game of squash, but best not until I'm off the sicklist. Doc reckons the back will be fixed after a week or so.
Work stayed boring for a week, got interesting for a few days, and is now boring again. Damn.
In other news, I found out yesterday that Leftfield have reformed with most of the lineup from 1991 (Leftism album) and are playing Manchester on 5th June and Sheffield on 6th. Must drag the missus along to one of those. I think they clash with some arty stuff - serious discussion ahead (gulp).
Speaking of arty stuff, Lyn filled the kitchen with white plaster fingers. I took some photos and made an animation, but the effect was much more spooky, even gruesome, in real life.
In other news, it seems we are going to have house-mates, in the form of Odette, and later Emma and Jody. One question - where will I put my drums when they arrive from Thailand? It's all temporary while they sort out jobs and places to stay, hopefully in New Mills. It will be nice for our social sphere to expand a little.
While we're on drums, I had my first drum lesson since my return yesterday and loved it. Loads of new stuff to practice as soon as I get some kit. That boat can't arrive fast enough.
Have to go, time for my medication. Be good.