Site Hits - Well done one and all

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Red shirts, silly slogans and stuff.

I went for a nice long ride this morning, 45 kilometres. No problem with my new super duper electrolyte fluid. Anyway, I went about twenty k's and stopped for a rest in a shady spot under the expressway...
Yes not very inspiring I know. I can report that the land around Bangkok is as flat as a pancake for as many miles as I'm prepared to ride. Where was I? ah yes, in the shade. A bloke pulled up in his pickup and went fishing in the canal, and I noticed the guy who'd done the spray job on the car had a sense of humour...Says it all really, and a nice addition to my collection of nonsense slogans.

On the way home I found myself in the middle of a bunch of protesters getting ready to head into Bangkok. It's the big bash this weekend, when the red shirts are supposed to bring the city to a standstill. They hate the current regime (elitist, middle-class - allegedly) and they want new elections. They say they will continue to march until they get what they want. In fact they have all been paid 3000 baht to attend by Takhsin's lackeys. Power to the people!
Despite some hard looks, they seemed a friendly bunch, even happy to wave to the silly farang on the bike....

By the way, I must say it's nice, when you're tired and confused and don't necessarily know your way around, to be able to see your house from five miles away. Gave me a nice boost on the last stretch.

I'm all fixed up with accommodation... and also transport to my first Hash House Ride in two weeks time. I exchanged some emails with a man with a van who takes groups there and back, with bikes, for a small fee. He assures me I'm going to enjoy the trip and says BHHB is the best thing that's happened in Bangkok since he came here 8 years ago. I'm really looking forward to it, which I've probably already mentioned. Now that I'm semi-fit, the physical side of it is less of a concern, so I can look forward to meeting new people and having enough breath to speak to them.

In other news, the F1 season got underway yesterday with quallifying for the Bahrain Grand Prix. I loved it, and I'm just about to settle down and watch the race itself. The most interesting season for many years with as many as six drivers in with a very good chance.

I'm off. Be good.

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