Site Hits - Well done one and all

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How much dinner revisited

Same hotel, same restaurant, different disaster.

This time I ordered Spaghetti pesto with shrimp, with corn soup to start.

Five minutes later she came back with a sheepish expression - "Solly sir no have corn soup". I looked in vain at the menu, for any other soups, broths or consommes to take the place of my eagerly anticipated appetiser, eventually deciding just to have a main course. Sensible, given that I still feel dodgy after eating half the hotel larder last night.

Five minutes later she was back, even more sheepish (Muttonish? No, means something else).

"Solly sir, no have Pesto" - well that put a cap on it. No starter and no main course. I ordered a bag of nuts and six heinekens and sod 'em all.

Actually I had hot & spicy noodles with chicken and two beers. I deserve the beers, having saved countless lives today. We spent the afternoon in the pool wearing overalls, life jackets and neoprene shoes. Not a good look.

Last day tomorrow, then one day in the office and I'm off home.

Here's the dullest pic I've ever taken, but it seems apt.

See you all soon.


  1. Hello Russell,

    Please send me your address - I want to post your xmas card and I can never get hold of Lyn



  2. Need your email address O. You don't think I'm putting my address on here, after all the politically incorrect stuff you've posted?
    On getting hold of Lyn, I can empathise, although there migt be some serious getting-hold going on tomorrow.
