Site Hits - Well done one and all

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Want it, need it

Saw this for sale in a shack round the corner from the office (there are always shacks round the corner in Bangkok)
It's a Honda Bros, 650cc V-Twin, same engine type as my Hyosung at home. The guy started it up and it sounds luvly. It's for sale for half what I got for the D-Tracker. Hmmmmmmm.

In other news, I'm sat by the pool (using free wireless) on a wednesday morning, waiting for the telephone man to come and fix my line. I've a feeling it won't happen but the morning off is nice. Mind you, I have to stay down here on the ground floor in 35 degrees waiting for him to call my mobile, because my reception is so bad in the apartment. I'm on my fourth t-shirt so far - it's stupidly hot here. I'm too hairy for this climate. Maybe an all-over shave might help. The things that stop me trying it are:
  • Uncomfortable unless done every day
  • Time-consuming
  • Probably ineffectual
In any case, if I start radiating all my heat, everyone else is going to be that much hotter.

In other news, there's now a bloke swimming lengths in the pool with a mask and snorkel on. Bit strange, there's surely nothing to see on the pool bottom, unless you're into quality grouting. Maybe he's a pool inspector. In which case I want his job. Jeez he's done six lengths of the (very long) pool already. I'm intimidated. He's slowing down now though, must be struggling, or maybe he's found some mis-matched tiles. There is a gigantic whale done in darker tiles at the far end, and a group of dolphins in the centre. I know because I use them as markers to tell how far I am from the end when I do my 4 lengths. Yes 4. It's a long pool. There are also some stone fish spitting water into the pool along one side. If you don't keep your head down as you swim past you're likely to get wet. That's a joke.
Pool, Spitting Fish, Snorkel Man - did I lie?

In other news my battery is running low, and anyway you're boring me now. Be good, and if you're cold I'm jealous.


  1. The Bros is a great bike, they are chain drive, the UK bike NTV650 was shaft drive. they also did a 400cc Bros.

  2. Lots of 400s over here, yes very nice bike, understated but stylish, and no bloody fairing. My kind of bike. Still not buying though, no need for a motorbike when it's 5 mins walk to work. Anyway the Police take all the fun out of it.
