Site Hits - Well done one and all

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Rainy day

It rained. It was miserable all day. I took a picture in the toilet. Ho hum.

Hmm, that's enough about toilets for now methinks. Must find something else to talk about. I know, feet. This one's for Lyn, she'll know why. I won't go into it here but suffice to say it's good news.

That's got you wondering eh?


  1. I like the fact that if you block the toilet you cant shit again ... very logical translation ...

    So here is me writing up my CV after several disastrous attempts I think I having a working CV.

    How do you guys write CV's ye also have lots of jobs ... mine could fill a book ... where do you stop?

    Hang in there Russell, its cant always be sunshine on the good ship Providence. Its lovely and sunny here and I am jumping out my skin trying to get interviews. Go do sum gym ... hugz

  2. You have to keep it short. Cherry pick to suit the desired job. Also put the best bits first otherwise people never see them. No more than three pages including the Name/Education/Favourite colour bit.
    It's sunny here today - the rain was yesterday.

  3. Sis man ... put those hairy things away ...

    So lets guess ...

    The foot rot dried up ... ha ha ha
    Your toe nail grew back?
    You cleaned the toe jam out?
    You can see your toes again ... lost a lot of weight have you? LOL

    Ohh this is fun ... c'mon fess up.

    Oh no its not to remind Lyn that they will be prodding her in the butt soon for dinner is it ... ???

  4. thats beautiful, i think i'm falling in love again ;-)

    ok resume normal transmission, what are you playing at?????????

  5. Counting quezzies is what I'm playing at. Every time you post. That reminds me I must order a new keyboard for the MAC, that question mark key will be worn out by now.
    Odette, all your answers are correct apart from the one where I kick Lyn's butt. That's never going to happen for a lot of reasons.

  6. Dear Lyn

    You do realise that Russell is a bit strange dont you? But at least we know he can see his toes ... LOL ... goes a long way in a man ... MAD !!!

    Hi Russell,

    Im off for an interview, have finally sorted my CV. Have a great day and take care of those pinkies ... :)


  7. So, what does a toilet technician do on an oil rig? What qualifications do I need to aspire to this lofty posiiton? Any vacancies?

  8. Toilet Technician...oh god no. I don't even want to think what his/her job description would be like!!!!! Changing the subject, Russell your feet look soo good, I do seem to remember a bit of a manky toe last time, the hot weather and sea salt in the air (not forgetting the pollution!)must be doing it the world of good.

    Only 20 days to go until your return home. The weather is playing nice at the moment and I have thought and wished long and hard for a walk up Kinder to Edale, we did not manage it last time but are you up for it on this occasion?
    Would love to think my arm will have recovered for when you get back as I am unable to go out on my bike - gutted. Lots of nice weather and no bike rides - it is not good...heh but at least I have had a diagnosis - Tendonitis, time to recover weeks to months but on the basis of my age and health the doctor said 4-5weeks....WWHHAATTTT I screamed in dismay. So I am not a happy bunny and therefore raking !!!!


  9. .....the garden (where did the end of that message go!!!) has been banned for life - yes that is how I did it (one minute I was raking and the next something in my arm went POP!!!)

  10. Lubiloo, good to hear from you. Yes I too wondered where the rest of the message was.

    Yes I want to walk over Kinder too, must ensure we get Lyn distangled from her work for long enough to do it.
    I won't be as fit coming home this time as I was last, since I've spent so much time working I've missed a few gym sessions - tonight is an example; it's ten to nine in the evening and I'm still working. So therefore if I do any cycling it will be fairly gentle. Sure your arm will cope with that.

    See you in - let's see, nineteen days.It's like a long dark tunnel....
