Site Hits - Well done one and all

Friday, April 10, 2009

Platform Chews

That would have been a nifty name for the previous post. Ah well.

I'm waiting for my computer to grind through a rather long list of tasks which I think will take about an hour. By that time it will be 8.40 pm and I'll still have a shed load of work to do before closing down for the day. What else would I be doing anyway? Hmph. Anyway I have lots of time but nothing to say, so I'm going to say it anyway.(isn't that in a song? anoraks please tell me)

There have been protests by the Red Shirts in Bangkok this week. No not the football supporters. I mean the people who were in charge when the Yellow Shirts closed down the airport a while back. Now the Yellows are in charge because they stamped their little feet so much. See this vid for typical Thai chaos, and check out the police being about as useful as chocolate fireguards...

I suppose the Red Shirts would loosely represent working class types whereas the Yellows are basically the well-off middle classes, who at the time weren't getting their palms crossed liberally enough so decided to take democracy into their own hands. Now the Reds are starting, albeit on a rather smaller scale. Can't help thinking I sympathise more with the Reds, since they just want a fair deal from those above them. They're also the underdogs right now, which appeals to my British sense of fairness. Speaking of fair, the Government expected more traffic-stopping measures today so declared a national holiday. Crafty buggers.

That's all the real news I have from rainy Thailand, apart from the day-to-day drudgery here. So that's what I'll write about.

There was a chap in my room at 5am this morning - he'd just come off a night shift - and he was making a terrible racket settling himself down. He must have unzipped his siutcase ten times, each time reaching in and crackling the world's most noisy plastic bag in search of some or other item. That last hour of sleep is important, and he took it away from me. I very nearly jumped out of bed bollocko, lashed his effing case down the corridor and heave-ho'd him over the side for his impertinence. As it was, and predictably, I muttered inaudibly, pulled faces into my pillow and made fists under the duvet.

Apparently my motorbike is ready and waiting in the shop. However since I leave here (the platform) and fly straight back to Blighty, and on my return straight back here, I won't get to ride it until the end of May at the earliest. Bummer. By that time of course I could be looking for work, in which case it will be for sale. Talk about low mileage, one careful owner.

What else is new? Well I've now finished my next-to-last Iain M Banks book which means he needs to write some more SF now please. I suppose I should start on his non-SF books, in fact I already did that years ago. The Wasp Factory and Crow Road were particularly good as I remember. I could download them onto my new "Kindle" when I get it, hopefully for my birthday later this month. Never heard of it? Well it's like a book except it's electronic. It can hold 1500 books and has a special screen that's easy on the eyes for long periods. I think it's a really good idea, even though the books you download are subject to DRM laws and can't be shared, ie copied to any other device or a computer. Shame - if it catches on it could be the end of lending books, which we're always saying we shouldn't do anyway. And no, you can't borrow my Kindle.

The other gadget I'm excited about is my new watch, which is also birthday tackle, but from myself. It's a Casio Wave-Ceptor, which means it gets adjusted automatically to the right time via a radio signal. I'm funny about my watch being right so it's perfect for me. only problem is, the signal isn't broadcast in Thailand - nearest to here is Japan about 4000km away. I'd need a watch the size of Jodrell Bank to pick that up. Oh well, it'll be right whenever I'm in Europe, and I'll be back to listening for the pips at all other times. Lyn thinks it's hilarious that I cannot hear the pips without surreptitiously checking if I'm more than the maximum allowance of ten seconds out. It's an affliction I suppose.

I see my computer has now almost finished its task and will soon be bleating for more so I'd better go.

Be good.


  1. Oh my dog that Kindle thing looks so cool! Very Star Trek. No I did not just contradict myself.

    The cost, however, can only be described as 'prohibitive' :-s

    A x

  2. It does look cool and I really want(ed) one but stop press: It's only for sale in the US, to US credit cards, the Whispernet network which you would use to buy and download books does not function outside the US (although you can download to a PC and use USB), and the online book store only accepts US credit cards.. Think I'll wait a year until it makes it to the UK. I'm happy with my new watch anyway. It tell me the time whoever I am.

  3. Happy easter and hope you remembered to eat truckloads of choc. I am just back from Dublin. I went to Ifty, Jean-yves and Simon. The prognosis for work in limerick is critical and a move to dublin is imminent within the next 3 weeks. My nervous system has gone into overdrive with the considered move and I am not coping well. Im either in floods of tears or zoned out asleep, the most I could manage in dublin was 3 very hard runs attached to a husky dog I was exercising. Yes I can take Maggie. Tyrone has to go into res to complete uni. This fucking recession is a disaster!!! I am not sure if I am able to leave Tyrone and if he can actually function without me. I relive the horror of leaving him in the Cape with his father when I relocated to Johannesburg and the damage has been irrepairable. How on earth are you expected to repeat these same exercises for economic benefit?

    Jesus I am finished and I am supposed to pull it all together and go look for work? I hope the drugs the doc gave me start working because this is a very big ask from me, and I dont know if I can pull this off as well.


    Im thrilled to hear about your watch and I am sure you will get your Kindle in due course ... just let the yanks ride with it a while and bring the price down ...

    So is this watch also kinetic ... that would be uber-cool?

    Take care and chat soon

    Hugz xxx
