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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Platform an orderly queue

I'm off tomorrow to dry land and a trip to blighty. I seem to have developed food poisoning, which basically means I don't like being too far from the gents. That's going to make tomorrow's chopper ride interesting. Maybe half a dose of imodium will be in order.

Think it must have been the potato & ham soup. Generally the food is excellent here so I'm most surprised and disappointed. Oh well perhaps it'll clear up by morning eh?

So anyone around the New Mills area give my mobile a tinkle next week, would be nice to see some familiar faces.

Be good.


  1. Double dose of Immodium I think - skip breakfast. Must be too much chilli methinks. Any news on the contract - or are you selling a motorbike?!

  2. Have a good (and uneventful :-o ) journey back chief.

  3. That episode lives in infamy. I was asked who was the lad that was violently sea sick on the millenium.

    Chinese whispers thai style

  4. Oops. I hope you gave them Santi's name.
