Site Hits - Well done one and all

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Wet weekend

Great day for working today, despite being a saturday. In fact I'm at my desk as we speak, being productive (if not legenday) in my lunchtime. It's pissing down and the sky is a horrible mixture of light and gunmetal grey. I can look across the city from our 17th floor office and watch the storm clouds roll in from the south. That's when I'm not too busy, of course.
I haven't been blogging lately - that's because I had nothing to say, being in the run-up to coming home and not really thinking about much else. I've still got nothing to say, but thought I'd better reassure the regulars that the blog will not be allowed to wither due to lack of quality material, no sir. If so it would have disappeared ages ago, haha.
Here's a quality item - I bought a stonking great memory card for my phone, which doubles as my mp3 player. I wanted to fit ALL of my music on there, so I bought an 8gb card. Plugged it in, no joy. Plugged it in the spare phone, no joy. Took it back, and what they said translates as "You idiot, your phone only supports 2gb". Ah well, it's a good excuse to wander round MBK Plaza, where I kid you not, there is an area of about 4 acres given over to mobile phone shops.
In other news, I reckon Ryanair have now changed my flight times to and from Spain six times to date. It's really bad to do that when people have planned their holidays. If there was an alternative airline I would have switched by now, but there isn't, so they continue to get away with it. Buggers.
In other news, Lyn went to Hayfield beer festival last night, so I hope she didn't overindulge. Actually it's very unlikely that she would drink real ale anyway, she only goes to be sociable. I wish I could be there for these events, I miss all that. Ouch, pang of homesickness. Better get back to work.

Be good.


  1. Hello Russell

    Tis a very sad thing that you have nothing to write - I on the other hand have had my fair share of excitement and wish to proclaim that my heart is broken as David has returned to Leeds and we have no committment to carry on - we are just going to see how things pan out. So in my sadness I was forced to do the Ladies Mini Marathon again and ran the 8km. It was ridiculous as I haven run for two months now ... anyhooo...sadly I never died so hold the floweres.

    T is in uni doing BSc Biomedical engineering and advanced materials and he thinks its cool. His room stinks from neglect and I think he is conducting a bio experiment in there. The noxious fumes eminating from it are so bad the dogs wont even sleep in there.

    He blew up some nylon in the lab the other day and said it flew like a missile ... Im not sure who is learning more him or the prof but Im sure thats not meant to happen.

    I got to go he is nagging me to take him to a meeting. My dogs are fine - they are with Vaughn the bastard ... may his ship sink. (honestly he bought a 28ft sailing boat (I cant spell yaght today). Have to go Tara the lab is staying with me her dad is carring out repairs at an orphanage in Albania and she is farting me out the room. Like I said never boring. God speed home and have a fantastic time. Hugs and love ME

  2. Hey Russell,

    Are you getting excited yet!! How long are you back in blighty for? I'm re-locating south of the border for a couple of weeks soon and feel the pull of the beehive coming prepared for no longer being the tallest person on the train - (unless you put on a school uniform - and run the risk of being the subject of a strange blog about giant kids.....)


  3. Sandy,
    How far south of the border? Are we talking Greater Manchester?
    I'm home for two weeks. Blink and you'll miss it, Gladiator.
    Laughed a lot at your spelling troubles. Nice to hear your news, even if the news isn't all good. Tell Tyrone if he doesn't clean his room I won't be his Uncle anymore. And put a bung up the Labrador's arse, serves it right for being big, fat and ugly.
