Site Hits - Well done one and all

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Thinking about it

Odette and Lyn,

By all means communicate on my blog - public conversations are the future. Who said the internet ruins social skills? If we talk publicly there'll be no room for un-normalised behaviour...

I will blog soon, on subjects such as:

- Did the plant survive?
- Am I still jet-lagged?
- What's happened to the third contributor Lubiloo?
- My upcoming rig trips
- Battlestar Galactica (seriously)

Be good.


  1. Battlestar series is great!

  2. Oh no ... more star wars ... Im not hot for star wars ...

    thanks for letting us chat on your blog - it must be fascinating for your followers.

    Tyrone has gone to a halloween party dressed as a pimp in a fake fur jacket. Honestly he thinks he is a black man in white skin ...!!! He has an enormour wall clock hanging around his neck on apiece of chain, no kidding.

    What you all up to for halloween? have you fully recovered - what season and time zone are you in. I think something happened here but we skipped autumn and went straight to winter its frozen and the cars are already iced at 9pm. Scary stuff - I thought they promised me global warming ... how come I so cold then ... huh? Huh?

  3. Hi Russell - do you think I could become one of your regular bloggers lime ... OMG sounds like something that blocks the loo. Sorry I mean I could send you a pic of me and you could put it up on your thingimee ...

  4. Paul,

    That woke you up then. Wait, that means you've been reading all my shit for the last 3 weeks and found nothing worth commenting on until I posted about BG. Hmm...

    Yes I'm on season 3 at the mo. What's the new one, 4 or 5?

  5. Odette,

    Yes science fiction - live with it stoneage woman. It's a guy thing.

    For halloween, if I was home, I'd be guarding my bike from malicious shitheads masquerading as children, who have hijacked the awful American tradition of trick-or-treat and turned it into "Mischief night", an excuse to spray paint over things, break windows etc. The usual harmless fun.

    You're already one of my regular bloggers and long may that continue. I could give you posting privileges but maybe that would change the flavour a bit too much. You have so much to say... maybe you could start your own blog? I have a few names in mind.

  6. Oh thats ok then I dont think anyone would read my blog pages ... what would I write about ... another frustrating day in retail ... ?

    Its more interesting adding to yours. Jessica sent Ruskin an e-mail she was very impressed with his blog. Now her and Maggie could have a page. Unlike cats - dogs actually do things *snigger* LOL

  7. Yes, unfortunately I find pictures of you sitting in pink slippers a shade less interesting than one of the few decent things on telly these days ….where are the wacky adventures of the morally incorruptible Russell in the den of iniquity that is Bangkok? eh? eh? Come on man, sort yerself out! Don't make me come over there!!!

    PS I've got suspicions that that cat is a Cylon…don’t tell anyone!
