Site Hits - Well done one and all

Friday, October 10, 2008

I know I said NO Tickertape....

... but really, this is too much. I've arrived in New Mills at last and there was no welcoming committee, no fanfare, no tickertape, in fact there wasn't even a wife to come home to, or even a key to my house. I had to go cap in hand to Martin to ask for the spare key. I felt like Burt Lancaster in "The Swimmer" where he finally gets home and his house is a deserted wreck with tumbleweed blowing through.
It sems wifey got a little too blase (or too pissed) during her night out wtith the girls, and missed the last train home and had to stay in Katya's house.

Yes, of course I forgive her.


  1. Oh heavens are you sure Lyn is expecting you today ... doesnt say much for Cheese and Onion either ... *sigh* fickle creatures you have LOL

  2. Helllloooo ....!!!

    Hope you are having fun. Did Cheese and Onion remember you?


  3. Of course they remembered me. Of course they were hungry. Of course they forgot me and went back to sleep after I fed them.
    Yes I am having fun, if a little fuzzy at the edges.
    Who are you? Man? Woman? Magical blogging feline?

  4. Russ - its me Odette and I cant remember to tick all the bits when I send a message as everything is at the speed of light. Soo happy the cats at least acknowledged you existance - now dont forget they like to be groomed but not during their snooze time (that is anytime they are lying down with their eyelids touching). ha ha ha

    Jessie says he can blog - Maggie cant her nails are too long to type ... AND cool pic Ruskin ... Jess wants me to upload their pic ...

    Have fun and send love to Lynny ... Byeee

  5. Dogs can't even remember not to shit on pavements, never mind blog.

    Odette, read the profile - don't shorten my name. I won't warn you again....

  6. RUSSELL ... What profile ??? You are just being mean. Dogs are very intelligent. Its silly owners who dont let their dogs have a little run on the grass that get the message wrong for the dogs.

    Nuff said !!!

  7. Yes I hadn't even noticed the profile had disappeared. I have now replaced it. The sentence you want is near the end.
