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Sunday, August 6, 2023

Polished performance

And here, in full widescreen splendour, is our polished concrete floor being poured and .. polished. A balletic performance with quite a large cast. This leaves it nicely mottled as we requested, but not with its final shine and seal - that comes after the interior is properly finished with plasterboard etc.

We have our first pressure test tomorrow - yes, pressure test. They pump air into the house, and check how long the pressure stays. Basically it tests how good the house is at keeping warmth in in Winter, and out in Summer.

If it loses 0.6 of its volume in an hour, that's considered Passivhaus standard.
If it's around 1.2 it's still ok.
The Architect is hoping for 0.5...

Any predictions from you lot? 

Answer posted here v soon.

1 comment:

  1. Great videos very entertaining floor looks cool 👌
