Site Hits - Well done one and all

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Lots happening

It's been ages since I posted and lots has changed. 

Despite the odd bent nail, the roof's all done, with solar panels (this was back in June when the sun shone)

Floor's also done. There'll be video of the concrete pour soon. As I type, the floor is generating, via the concrete going off, more heat than the underfloor heating will ever produce. It really is hot in there. The floor looks lovely (honest) but won't reach final glory until it gets a final polish, near the end of the job.

I will admit, the North Meadow was hard work. I ended up with a very sore back  and I  hope never to do so much rock-shifting, digging and wheel-barrowing again. It's now seeded and with the recent rain it's greening up nicely..
The shrubs will be in a mulched section, we await the bark chippings for it. The plan (probably already mentioned) is for strimmed paths to evolve among the meadow grass and flowers. Imagine it without the scruffy hoardings and with those two trees taken down, giving a proper view up the valley to Kinder. I do all the time.

We spent yesterday choosing bathroom fittings, tiles, carpets and flooring for the whole house, so that's a big chunk of work out of the way.

Rendering starts on Friday and should only take a few days. Soon it will be time to move the scaffolding and have a proper look at the place.

We still think we can be in by late September. Wish us luck :-)


  1. This is all so exciting - it's really coming together!

  2. Yes we're getting close now. More video soon, just need to get to site and download what we got from the cameras
