Site Hits - Well done one and all

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Late posting

Last weekend: oy.

Inlaws' birthdays, lodgers' disasters, lost children, meals, wine, pilates, bike maintenance, broken scooters, all human life was here. Oh, and a lantern procession was in there somewhere.

Photos of the lantern procession will follow as soon as I have access to the camera we used on the night. Isn't it a shame digital cameras are so useless at night outdoors? You take what looks to the eye like a fantastic panorama, and what do you get? A few nearby faces bleached out, and utter darkness beyond. Camera never lies? Bollocks.

It was a very successful night it has to be said - mind you, I'm not party to the financial results. However, the buckets were certainly noisier this year so hopefully people were generous. Many hundreds of lanterns and much shuffling along the Torrs walkway, then a nice firework display. I got so hungry I gobbed two ostrich burgers in as many bites when we finally reached the field.

Father in law Tony, not great on his feet, opted for the electric scooter, and it was a partial success. He got round, but at the expense of one tyre. He endured with some dignity the awful sound of the tyre flapping around for three quarters of the journey.

Many thanks to Lucy for snagging the missing offspring, and keeping him safe till we passed by her position. Lucy, you looked very cold I have to say.

Quite proud, as already mentioned, of our lanterns. Many compliments as we went round, also a staged pic for the Peak Times (I think) newspaper. Mind you, they asked everybody. Our coloured LED idea worked well, and with real actual candles in the main section of the lantern, we had the perfect mix of tradition and technology.

In other news, I attended Pilates for the first time. It's for my back. Lots of wobbling and straining, and now I have pleasantly sore stomach muscles. Unfortunately I've always hated sit-ups and all other core-strength exercises, and I believe this has contributed to my weak back. Great arms and legs, great lungs, but my middle is like when you twist a balloon into two halves. A bit. Anyway hopefully pilates will help, and my plan to play squash again will be back on track by 2011 *sob*.

Wifey took her Mum to a Spa treatment day in Buxton and a wonderful time was had by all. Met up with them afterwards, whereupon they proceeded to drink far too much wine and wax lyrical about their newly smooth complexions. I must give it a try some day.

More soon, or late.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I rode to work this morning - this time by pedal power. Quite pleased with myself. My time was 57:55 which is my first time under the hour for the trip. Must have been wind-assisted I reckon. Looking forward to the trip home, which is of course uphill. If I beat the hour for that journey I'll be well ready for a re-match with the loobster. Lucy, be afraid.

Only problem with riding to work is, I get extremely hungry. Just had the most enormous lunch (healthy one of course) and I'll be ravenous again when I get home. Ah well.

Later, q-bikes.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Silent Disco

Lantern Workshops - loads of fun.

This is the fourth lantern parade since we moved to New Mills, but it's the first time we've actually made lanterns for it. I really enjoyed it and the result is very rewarding. It's amazing what you can do with some willow, masking tape and tissue paper, and a bit of ceative input. Meet Harry and Sally....
These two are going to look SO cool lit up.

The workshop sessions run for two two hours twice a day at weekends, and this year they were very busy, with the volunteers (including Martin and Lucy) run off their feet, sharing their expertise with various people from 7 to 70. Speaking of Martin, he fits into a very small space...

He also seems to appear on photos that aren't about him...

The parade is on Sturday 25th, and it's a great spectacle - hundreds of people walking through the Torrs with lantens of all shapes and sizes. This year's theme is music. You can see photos of the last ten years' processions at

In other news, we had young Jack over for the weekend, but about his exploits in Lantern making, he's saying nothing..
More soon. later taters.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A dream come true

Played music with some musicians - a working class boy's dream. I can't explain how that makes me feel. We had an Irish fiddle player, an Italian guitarist, an English ukulele and harmonica player, and me and wifey (no nationality) on Bodhran. What a lovely evening. No photos though, I was too busy banging the drum. Thanks Ursula, Marco, Roger, wifey, the audience of spouses and of course hostess and prime mover, Maureen.

Next one is in three weeks, and I hope it will be even better.

In other news, what a weekend we've had. London on Thursday evening, saw an opening night of art by Susanne Simonson. We were so blown away, we spent our kitchen on a painting.....
Not a cheap kitchen either. We also managed to quaff far too much crisp white, and both had Brazilians. Meals that is. Friday was the above-mentioned music soiree, then Sunday I was outclassed up hill and down dale by Lucy on the mountain bike. Never mind, it's all good, and I'll be fitter next time.

Lucy, don't get comfy at the front, my fitness will return...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm alive

Well, this potato has officially vacated the couch.

I had my first serious game of squash last night, with no painkillers, no anti-inflammatories and no after effects. Nuther game today lunchtime, again on Thursday. Season approaches and my goal is to be proper fit for it. Now I just need to get cycling to work... ah, it's pissing down.

Got a recording of Lyn and the others' drunken singing at the bitter end of Friday night, before Lyn's 36 hour hangover. It's a poor (not to say tone-deaf) rendition of Knocking on Heaven's Door, with a fair amount of loony laughter from the wifester. I think it's hilarious, but have been persuaded not to post it.

More soon.

Monday, September 6, 2010


Went to the Bull i'th Thorn campsite near Buxton, for a weekend of camping, eating and drinking with Grant and all his gang, for his 40th. Friday night was great, lots of boozy fun, and a sing-song, of all things.
Unfortunately the overindulgence didn't sit well with Wifey's liver and she disappeared under a duvet until late on Saturday, whereupon we went home. Further recovery was then necessary and we went back to the campsite Sunday morning for the tent and motorbike. Never mind, Lynny, next time we'll make it to both evenings.

Built this on saturday morning, expecting wifey to appear from the tent at any moment.

Car - check. Bike - check. Tent - check... hang on, where's the missus? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Fun with tents on sunday. Lyn flies a real one, Grant still delusional.