Site Hits - Well done one and all

Friday, February 13, 2009


I'm here for a couple of hours and I have my own laptop, so might as well spend my time talking to you lot. Usually I'm standing at an airport PC frantically swiping my credit card every time it beeps.

Nice airport, I've been here once before in 2003 but all I remember is the wall of heat that hit me as I exited the terminal building, and being a lather of sweat before I covered the ten metres to the blessed sanctuary of a taxi. And this was at midnight. Luckily this time I don't have to go outside.

Emirates is a good airline - I hear from their in-flight channel that they are gradually fitting their planes with "Aeromobile", a system that allows use of mobile phones in flight. What a coup - all the other airlines are still shaking their heads and trying to enforce the un-enforceable. This flight did not have it fitted and I probably would have made a nuisance of myself anyway, by sending unwanted sms's in the wee hours to my unfortunate friends.

I was surrounded by beautiful young Dutch poeple on the flight from Bangkok. Nice women, but the guys all have terrible B.O., or at least the spotty trilby-clad youth next to me did. Also the Dutch are an unfeasibly tall race, which irks me somewhat. Also teenagers are never still, even when apparently asleep.

Pardon my gushing, but I can't wait to hug my missus. This is no life, spending six weeks out of seven apart, and for what? A degree for Lyn and freedom from debt for me is the unavoidable answer.

I just drank a Starbucks triple strength latte, so feel I must confess this fact to wifey, who hates that organisation with a passion. You're right dear, it was far too milky. I could feel her disapproval as I approached the counter. Must have had a fair amount of caffeine in it though, since I'm far from short of meaningless twaddle to type on here. Bizarrely, coffee actually makes me less productive in work because it stimulates intense conversation. I hope I'm productive at home this trip because deadlines are looming and I have to pass some milestones before my next platform trip.

I've filmed my journey from the office to the train terminal as a memento, since I make the journey every day. Also since I'm currently in love with "you, me, dancing!" by Los Campesinos, I spent the dreadful waiting-to-go period last night splicing a nice pop video together. If the resulting file isn't too large I'll post it on here when it's finished. Obviously the video is very grainy since it was done with my phone, but that aside it looks quite good.

This time Lyn is meeting me at the airport so I don't have to drag myself into two trains, what a relief.

I see from the forecasts that the weather is "warning up" to a toasty 3 degrees. I suppose I should count my blessings (one, two, three) that it's above freezing, but I'm going to suffer since I've been in 34 degrees every day for a while. Lucky I remembered my coat, jumper and scarf or I'd grind to a halt and shatter into a thousand pieces on the way to the car. Actually last time I came home I relished the cool air on my face when I exited the plane, but that was ten degrees and it soon wore thin anyway.

Better go, back is aching so I'll walk around a bit. Still 90 mins to my flight, which is seven hours long. One day I won't have to keep doing this...

More soon.



    Higs and kisses and dont ask why ... the answer is never as satisfactory as the profound question.

    Im signing up for my course today ... Project Management ... yippee ... maybe I will be able to crack out of here someday.

    Please read all my comments ... I feel so sad that no-one has passed comment on my choice of wardrobe for the rig ... *sob* *sniff*

    Had a fabulous dinner with Sylvia last night at a new restaurant owned by one of the ladies from IWO's husband.

    The best steak I have eaten since africa ... and the beast meal I have had in absolutely ages.

    Feck ... its time to go home ... Im tired of slop kitchen fare ...

    Oh well off to work ...

    Bye till later. Funny the word veri for this is HUMPI ... LOL !!!


  2. Yes O, I do read all yur comments -they come via email. However I don't always get time to blog an answer quickly. Rest assured you are being read, and appreciated by me and all the other regulars. More soon. What happened to that bloke you were seeing? No news makes me anxious.

  3. Oh God my heart is broken ... the young one has been promoted and transferred to Wicklow next week. We will meet for a goodbye coffee tomorrow. So much for feisty young love !!! *sob*

    I have another on the back-burner but this is getting to be a roller-coaster ...

    Its like running job interviews ... make contact, read the cv , check out the goods and then yay or nay ... and its seems lately there have been more nay's than ever.

    Its no good living in a small town either ... honestly I have run out of men !!!

    Anyhow the newest one seems quiet the business but he has his own company and is split in half running things in Dublin and Cork.

    Not sure where he will find time for me.

    Feck it - I also lost a contract today. Im actually in bad form. Its one thing to lose a lover or a contract but both on the same day is simply cruel.

    Methinks I need a cup of cheer. have one for absent friends will you.

    Hugs between the sobs ...

    Please send flowers *sob* QUICKLY ...I may not live long enough to enjoy them with this broken heart.

  4. Hugs to you to dear. Keep you pecker up and keep us informed of the roller coaster's progress.

    I'm home for a week and will be working every day, ho hum.

  5. Hello Russell,

    Love Lynny's new pic but honesly dont you think you should have saved it for me ... LOL

    No further news on the Mount Odette Campaign ... tis a drought out there!

    Last day at work and then 1 week hols to move into new house. Cant wait - my aching nerves .

    French Docs have arrived at Service de la Nationalite. Please hold thumbs / rub Buddah and will someone please pray.

    Tyrone is rowing in his first kayaking competition. He has entered 3 classes and will even be kayaking in the Canadian ... heavens knows what that is ... information got lost in all the excited relaying of it ...

    Evidently they are roughing it and staying in hostels .... very different to the rowing lads staying in posh hotels ... LOL

    Hope you are having a bit of fun at home and its not all work. Miss you guys sooo much.



  6. So you're French now? Formidable!

    Let us know when you're visiting. We could do with some African earthiness around here in New Mills. Also Lyn is thinking of a trip to Ireland so make up the spare bed in your new house.

    Send my wishes to Tyron, hope he wins many races.

  7. Hello dahlinks ...

    Have a hot date tonight ... will tell all ... Yes Alexanderbusby ... he is young and hunky !!! God as a coffin-dodger its getting harder to trap them ... LOL

    He is an engineer of sorts ... runs his own business ... have to get the low down ... told him to bring a CV and pics of the kids ... LOL!!!

    Name's Jas (Jason)

    Chat later ... aligator...

  8. Ahhhh disaster struck once again ...

    I think Irishmen suck. They are so self absorbed and opininated and they have honestly lost the plot entirely.

    They are lazy and spoilt - I think if sex were served on a platter with caviar to them they couldnt be arsed to spoon it into their mouths.

    Thick feckers!!!

  9. Was it that bad?

    Never mind, keep trying. The right man is out there.

  10. Hi Guys,

    Im up to my eye-balls in paint ... and cant move into the new house as the tiler has to redo the bathroom and there is no water in the kitchen for some unknown reason and the plumber cant sort it until the appliances arrive on Tuesday.

    The house is absolutely filthy (my stables were never as dirty) and the cleaners cant move in until the tiler and plumber are finished ...

    I think at this stage I can own up and say I am seriously stressed. To add to my woes - I have to work tomorrow and Wednesday ... so much for time off ...!!!

    Hope you are all faring better ... have a great week ...


  11. Working your holidays? I know all about that. I will do a long blog entry soon, about my so-called holiday. That'll cheer you up for ten minutes or so.
