Site Hits - Well done one and all

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

First Floor Windows

Windows are going in. They started on the first floor, and it will take three days. Can't wait to see them manhandle the big patio door into place, it's 4.8 metres long and triple glazed, must weight 300 kg at least.

The pics are not flattering, and they show white frames (it's protective tape, they are black) in a black building (it will be rendered a light grey colour), so you get a sort of photographic negative effect...

We've had a sneaky peek under the protective tape both inside and out, and we're pleased with our choices. The oak frames and brushed steel fittings on the inside are really nice.

Hard to believe that in a few weeks we'll be actually living there.

More soon


  1. This is fantastic 👏

  2. Deb P here, absolutely great news :-)

  3. Wow great progress, I bet you both can’t wait to move in.
