Site Hits - Well done one and all

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Ground Floor

So it's Wednesday, the crane arrived Monday and leaves today, and progress has been nothing short of meteoric.

I've just returned from my usual lunch-time stroll to site, and the first floor is well underway. I'm told the house will be roofed and parapeted by Monday. We are beside ourselves with happy.

In the last photo above you can see the pieces of cardboard, representing our large items of furniture, which we've been using to plan where everything will go. As mentioned, this is the whole ground floor as it will be - there'll be no more walls or partitions, so living room/dining room/kitchen are all here. The staircase and downstairs loo will be behind the partition to the right. Must say, that French window is going to be impressive.

Meanwhile, instead of watching all this happen, my very grown up and responsible mrs has been pointing the remaining chapel walls..

The scraped, and the scraped not

More soon :-)

1 comment:

  1. It's coming along so fast now! So exciting... Katy P
