Site Hits - Well done one and all

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Name change

It seemed right at the time we bought the place, to name the blog "Owl Times", as there were owls on site. There are still owls on site, but Pleasant Times is more appropriate.

More soon

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Old photo

 Just been sent this image, from 1996. Check out those roof trusses!

Owl on, owlers :-)

Monday, April 4, 2022

A victory, of sorts

Well, we've had an apology from the planning office, and full planning permission, with all conditions met, for the entire project, granted.

That's huge. Grave layouts, planting schedules, window specs, roof spec, conservation issues, bat surveys, drains, electrical supply, rendering and a million other details are now accepted.

This means we can build the road, clear the site, erect the crane, build the house.


Recent events (not least war and the cost of living crisis) have put the whole project in doubt. We have finite resources and it was always touch-and-go if we could afford to build it.

We've engaged a quantity surveyor to give us a definitive price for the build. When that lands we will have a go/no-go decision, after which we'll go or .. not go.

Expect that decision around Easter.

Meanwhile here's a little movie of "The day we spent 20,000 on scrap metal". At least now we know that, despite the best efforts of the gods of red tape and the winter storms, the front wall will be there when we need it.

Here are a few pics taken on the day.

This was a mobile crane, not the full monster we need for the full build.

Have fun, more news around Easter.