Bit of wall repair has happened. Actually, a lot.
When this:
You start to feel like this could all be really nice when it's finished.
- Being the further adventures of Russell and Lyn, as we finally get round to building our dream home. Warning: includes owls.
Bit of wall repair has happened. Actually, a lot.
When this:
You start to feel like this could all be really nice when it's finished.
Found this:
Think it might find its way into the final build. But on which floor? Home or venue? Venue methinks.
Bit of wall maintenance starting this week. Here's a pic of a wall with no vegetation for a change:
Soon we'll have scaffolding up and the top few courses of this wall will be made good and sealed. May the good weather last forever...
So the builder is now back on site after a long planning application finally got sorted. He is clearing the site with a small motorised digger, as currently that's the biggest thing we can get on site. When the access road is sorted, progress will be quicker (and more interesting).
Sunday school graduates: (I know there are many of you!) here are some clearance pics:
Got this lovely photo of the front of the church in 1975: