If you're an owl, this is the place to be. Or if you're two owls.
We (not I, too high) installed two luxury owl boxes in a bid to keep the lovely hooting creatures happy in the neighbourhood.
- Being the further adventures of Russell and Lyn, as we finally get round to building our dream home. Warning: includes owls.
If you're an owl, this is the place to be. Or if you're two owls.
We (not I, too high) installed two luxury owl boxes in a bid to keep the lovely hooting creatures happy in the neighbourhood.
Blimey, all that time gone and ZERO progress. It's proper frustrating.
It was quite a windy cold snap we just had, so we spent a lot of time mending fences..
Now the weather has turned towards a more spring-like phase, and we.just.want.to.get.going.
Next planning meeting is 22 March, but we hope to get permission to clear the site ready for actual construction work before then. That means taking away the many tons of masonry and wood that are in the way, as well the pile of scrap iron you can see in these photos. As soon as that happens, I'll post some pictures of people actually doing something. Promise.
Access road is still under discussion. I know, right?
Later taters