Text-only post, sorry.
Well our solution to the problem of what to do with Lyn's potted plants, involved a lot of hard work.
Step 1: move them from our steeply terraced garden up to street level, in the entry between the houses. Some of those things weigh around 100kg so this was no mean feat.
Step 2: recover from step 1. This involved beer.
Step 3: lug them onto the trailer and take them to Mount Pleasant (all of 50 metres away). Then lug them up yet more steps onto the newly bramble-free front area of the graveyard.
Step 4: recover from step 2, then more beer.
We both had to agree, if we'd tried this ten years ago it would have been much easier. If five years later, it would be impossible as we'll be too decrepit.
The job's actually only half done, but one trailer load is enough for one evening. We only hope nobody takes a shine to Lyn's fatsias, as the area is not secure. That said, good luck to anyone who can carry those monsters away.
Our front wall and gatepost have now been rebuilt twice, as Paul didn't much like the first attempt. We're hoping to have straight gateposts, and gates that actually close, in the near future.
Stop-motion update: nothing is happening in the main building, while we await planning permission and access. I collect the photos once a week and dutifully watch the slowly growing video footage. It's quite therapeutic watching varying light levels play over our huge bonfire (ready for 5 Nov), and in the last week or so a scattering of leaves has slowly appeared. Mount Pleasant autumn watch.
It's tempting to wish the project was completed and we were installed in our living room, supping coffee and admiring the view over Kinder. However, as frustrating and tiresome as it is, the adventure is the thing and we must do our best to savour it.
More later