Site Hits - Well done one and all

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fun with beer

Got quite drunk at Stuart's 50th birthday party last night, got busy with the phone camera on the train home. Results:

Arty shot of Sharon

Annie seemed happy.

Showing your age there, Stu.

More swearing from S, and Lucy gets all suggestive with ... a lipstick

It was all too much for Phil.

Driver got a bit nouty as we lingered at the train door. Silly bugger.

That bloke again, being rude.

Everyone likes a shoe shot.

Most of Phil.

Dignified and responsible New Millers.

The man himslef.

My fatface shoes (the green ones on the right)

In other news, it was New Mills parade t'other week, and Alex and the outlaws came to stay. The parade was done in a brief sunny patch:

Wifey in mid-crisis. One of her funny turns occured.