Site Hits - Well done one and all

Sunday, September 28, 2008

New Pumps

Ok this one's really only for Martin, the only guy I know who has a real opinion on shoes. Martin, what you think? A bit gay perhaps? I like them but had a few raised eyebrows in the office....

I know Lyn likes them because she was wandering around with me when I bought them.


  1. Uuuurrrmmm!!! Very Russell. Not so sure you should bring them home though. Only joking, they look smart and you will be the only person wearing them in the UK - unique factor

  2. I am bringing them home with pride, along with my peak-sleeved tshirts and drainpipe jeans (purple).

  3. Are you trying to stimulate interest in these trainers in the UK? How many did you buy? A caseload??

    Tip - Converse have a factory in Thailand -

    Converse trainers in Thailand - £15

    Converse trainers in the UK - £50

    Get your orders in now people !!!

    (unless everyone wants purple jeans for crimbo....)

  4. I'll model them personally on October tenth - be there or be square, you know the place.

  5. Natty shooozzz dem ... ha ha ha

  6. Shooz? Shooz? Is that spelling, South African style?
    Hello Odette, nice to hear from you.

  7. I think you should wear these all the time. You could become the next trend setter. Elaine (aka Lainey J)
