Site Hits - Well done one and all

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Coming soon - Nana Plaza

Sorry about your finger Luce. Also Martin's back - not good with a wedding approaching, nudge nudge.

I wish I could go to the sheep dog trials. As recently as 18 months ago I'd have laughed if you told me I was ever going to say that. Derbyshire seems to have seeped into my bones. Please post some photos if you get any, not too many dogs please, just some people I might know, preferably in embarrassing or compromising situations. On which subject....

Had an excellent day and night out with Lynny and Grant yesterday, took 65 photos, not all of which will find their way onto these pages. Our night out included the infamous Nana Plaza, which lived up to its reputation. Huge blog coming soon, but here's a taster..


  1. Yes...Nana Plaza....Not too far from Peter's apartment..I took him there last time I was in town for a few beers! So, why is Grant standing with 4 ladyboys? Too many Katoeys in Nana for my liking...!!

  2. Yes Nana Plaza, even closer to my apartment. Grant is as straight as a sonooker cue. He was most indignant at the feeling-up he got while we took the picture. More on that night's adventures coming very soon to a blog near you...

  3. He looks happy enough to me. Perhaps because the one on the far right is really quite convincing :-P

    A x

  4. We'd been drinking all day. He'd have looked happy in a group photo with four headless baboons.
    We actually went in the bar later on, and there were many even more convincing examples inside. Quite disturbing.

  5. I find it strangely comforting that I can spot these ladyboys now...thanks to brave men like Grant who go to these bars in the interests of "research".....

  6. Can I just say thanks to my research assistants Lyn and Russell. Particularly to Lyn for framing the ladyboy photo so perfectly. It cost me 100 baht that photo, doesnt buy a lot of silicone and/or surgery but every little helps! I knew nothing of Nana plaza ladyboys until now thanks to R & L. However after having my bottom slapped three times and my lunch box squeezed twice I will not be rushing back in a hurry! Not a place to go on your own! Safety in numbers, and wear a cricket box. I have never seen Russell cling to Lyn so tightly.

  7. No problem grant, we enjoyed it. Should have known it was going to get messy when I broke out the wine bottle at 1pm, then we started swigging Singha on the canal.
    Come visit again as soon as you like. The "boys" are missing you.

  8. Obviously, if Nana is too full on for you - never, ever go to Pattaya. That's all I'm allowed to say......
