Site Hits - Well done one and all

Monday, August 25, 2008

What we got up to at the weekend! (posted by lyn)

the goings on over the weekend!!

a small selection of the many coloured alcoholic drinks that were consumed!

.......................and we all survived to tell the story!

it must be love as the hen and the stag couldn't resist meeting up for at least some of the evening..ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!


  1. I can't tell which photo I look the worst on!! Like one does - critecking (can't spell this word sorry)ones self is a must but actually, considering it was an all day do, I look quite good at the end of the night. Didn't feel it the next day though....must have been all those multi-coloured drinks I had (never had light-sensitivity before..must have been a real hangover!!!)
    And considering Mart had 11 pints!! he was in better condition than I was and he is usually the light weight


    P.s. Message for Lyn - Not being very computer literate have you managed to download that video footage for Russell yet?

  2. .....Just done a faus pah. I have just seen the vid, soz Lyn. LX

  3. there you are Russell i am on the photo's just in case you'd forgotten what i looked like!!! it was a fun day (once i arrived late as usual... sorry Lucy and all...)

    this is so fab and so much help with my work avoidance from the school work i have (of course) left to the last minute... gonna clean the house next (i must be desperate)... can't believe my holidays are nearly over... back to school next Monday... will have loads of work to avoid then so I'll be back...


  4. You're on ONE of the photo's. Looking mighty foxy too, if a little overdressed.

    Carry on with the work avoidance, the country's built on it you know.

  5. well as i said i was late and i do like to avoid the camera's... don't like the responsibility for breaking them... my cosmopolitan (cocktail) got on to 1 also...

    am doing my best re the work avoidance... as you can tell as i am still playing on the internet...

    my email folder really needed clearing out and sorting... honestly...


  6. Well - having nearly lost the will to live I found which bit to click to be able to do this. Sorry Russell but I'm a bit of a technophobe - so have no idea if this will work - but can I have points for trying. Anyway having viewed Lyn's pics from Saturday - I now remember when I last saw my bottle of water!! From there on in cocktails won - but you shouldn't mix your drinks should you? Anyway we had a fab day out on Saturday and on Sunday T and I took the boat to Marple. It did't break down once so it looks like T has sorted the problem at long last. Anyway take care and stay out of the sun - you don't want to look like a lobster now do you? TTFN Annie xx

  7. Annie, nice to hear from you and well done for retaining the aforementioned will.
    Check the very early blogs - there is evidence that I did temporarily look quite lobster-ish. Boy did I suffer.
    Good news about Das Boot. Happy sailing, and keep visiting the blog!
