Site Hits - Well done one and all

Friday, August 22, 2008

Girl Power!! (posted by lyn)

.............the life of the under-cat is never easy :-)


  1. That's making me ohm sick. Funny though.

  2. Mart has just told me about this and I have just seen it with my own eyes, it is sooo sweet. I can see why it made you ohm sick. Mart says "me thinks Lyn's talent is wasted". we thinks this should be on You've Been Framed (its a £250 smacky)

  3. Hi guys

    I have been adopted by a mangy cat who scares my dogs ... she has a screech like long nails on a chalkboard with a stutter on the end ... man its funny. I prefer your kittys tho ... more loveable.

    Have fun

  4. Your cat sounds like Lynny singing.
