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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Scribble 2

What have I been up this week, apart from disastrous hairdo's and drumming? I can hear you all clamouring for news.
Normal stuff I suppose, given that I'm in Bangkok.

Some thoughts about said city:
  • Being the tallest person on a train never loses its appeal.
  • Ditto being smiled at constantly.
  • Ditto motorcycle taxis, as mentioned several times. Although I did lose my baseball cap t'other day at 45kph on a busy Sreet - which meant I could shop for a new one - hurrah!
  • It's a city of sudden whiffs though, it must be said. You'll be wandering along munching away at some delicious treat you got from a street vendor, and suddenly wham! You're retching. Those deep-fried toffee coated bananas are threatening to abandon ship. It's all bacause you inadvertently walked past a drain cover and there's not enough wind to take away the bad air. Next few steps and it clears up, and you wander on, none the worse if a little wiser for the experience.
  • Thunderstorms are ridiculously common at this time of year. This is very exciting for Lyn, who becomes 8 whenever she sees lightning. I only enjoy them when they are directly overhead and the noise is at its peak. It's a bit like fireworks, which for me could all be the same shade of brown but MUCH louder. I was in China in 1997 for their new year, in a province that allowed fireworks. Now THAT was fireworks. No fences, no H&S, no firemen. We were right in the middle of it, holding roman candles, throwing rolls of bangers across the road amongst the traffic, shouting above the din. And just when I thought it could get no louder, it got three times as loud. Unforgettable.
  • Thai people prepare food differently when foreigners order it. They think we can't handle the amount of chilli they use, AND THEY'RE RIGHT. Forget dehydration due to sweating - one genuine Thai meal and I can cry enough tears to be reaching for the salt tablets and muttering intelligent phrases like "ooooooaaaaaeeeeeee!"
  • There's virtually no cycling in this city. I came with a plan to cycle to work if possibe but it's too hot and too dangerous to try. I did see one brave soul thundering along one of the main roads on a full-on racer with all the gear on, including streamlined hat (one of my ambitions is to wear one of those hats backwards). He was doing a good 40kph so relatively safe, since everything was going the same speed. One wonders what happened when he slowed down - probably died.

This conversation happenend t'other day in the lift at Lake Green (my apartment, for those not paying attention):

Russell and a young Thai lady enter the lift. The Thai lady heads for the buttons, looks at Russell expectantly.

Russell: "Sip-Jer". (17 in pidgin Thai)

Thai: (Presses buttons) "Ahh, yoo speek Thai?"

Russell: "A little, yes" (Gross exaggeration - well she was pretty)

Thai: "You got Thai girlfriend?"

Russell: ( Rather smugly) "No, English wife"
Thai: (Pouts) "Then why yoo speek Thai?"
Russell: "Er, well it's polite to try"
Thai: (Obviously sulking, silence)
Russell exits lift, feeling like he did something bad. How do women do that?
Sometimes I feel like tattooing "I am NOT a sex tourist" across my forehead to discourage this kind of thing. I have to fend off several sellers of "Sexy mooovees" every time I go into a mall. Most annoying.
In other news:
I've now applied at the Embassy for a letter of residence here - which means I can get a driving license and - maybe - a motorcycle.
My allergic reaction to new bedsheets has subsided now. The rash is gone and I feel a lot better in general.

I've got into a routine of using the apartment's gym three times a week. This is good for me as I've been unsuccessful in finding a decent squash club, and the cycling didn't happen. Visits to the gym are nice when there's an outside pool to jump into afterwards, to warm down. Ahh, luxury.

I had a bit of a nightmare with the drums, notwithstanding the cabling issue. The set I bought has a separate kick drum and foot pedal, unlike the baby set I have at home which is all bolted on one frame. The floors in my apartment are shiny and slippy, so after about 20 seconds of drumming the two articles would drift apart, or sideways, and destroy my beautiful playing. This was solved elegantly by way of a lovely purple bath mat:

Like I said, an elegant solution.


It's an extremely hot (satur)day out there, but I have to go out and get food 'n stuff. Back later...

Looks hot, innit?
This is Soi 8, down which I have to walk to the shop. Pure torture.
Now, where's my new cap?.....


  1. Bangkok - the only place where you have to dodge elephant poo on the sidewalk. ;-)

    Beijing has the same sewer smell and often the smell will waft up the floor drain in the bathroom. FUN.

    Sooo, how your neighbors feel bout your new drum set?

  2. Yes the elephants, I must do a blog about them soon.
    I'm being a good boy (mostly) and using headphones. One of the advantages of buying electronic drums. Can't say that will last though, sometimes you just have to make a noise. See my coming blog re: noise in Bangkok.

  3. "Being the tallest person on a train never loses its appeal." - I concur.
